2012-04-16 61 views


@echo off & SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion 
title TXTanimation 
set dir101=C:\USers\Jake\Desktop\file.bat 
goto jakeinc 
echo Lets make a text animation 
set /p dir101=where will the .bat be saved: 
echo @ECHO OFF > %dir101% 
echo: >> %dir101% 
echo 0=Edit important information 
echo 1=Display .txt 
echo 2=Play sound 
echo 3=Close sound player 
echo 4=Add nessicary wait between .txt 
echo 5=Label point 
echo 6=Edit variable 
    echo 7=Goto point 
echo 8=Create IF sentence 
echo 9=End it 
    echo Add - to the front to view it's guide!  
    Set /p choose=which one: 

If '%choose%'=='0' (
SEt /p title=What is the title 
set /p color=what color do you want type test to experiment with the colors 
If '!color!'=='test' goto tester 
goto model 
SEt /p test=Please give hexadecimal number type exit to leave: 
if '!test!'=='exit' goto LOL101 
color !test! 
goto tester 
echo title %title% >> %dir101% 
echo color %color% >> %dir101% 
goto menu 

If '%choose%'=='-0' (
echo The title is on the top of the screen. The color of the text and backround is a hexadecimal number its 

01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,0F,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F,20,21,23,24,25...FB,FC,FD,FE. There really are 

values with the same character but those are not valid colors in batch. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='1' (
set /p dir=what is the dir of your .txt: 
echo cls >> %dir101% 
echo type %dir% >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-1' (
echo These pictures are what will be shown in the animation. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='2' (
SEt /p dirx=What is the directory of the music file: 
echo start !dirx! >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-2' (
    echo Windows will open these sound files but may not automatically play them. If they are automatically played they should be opened one 

nessicary wait before wanted time. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='3' (
echo taskkill /PID wmplayer.exe >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-3' (
echo This closes the sound window when you play a sound. It should be played after a couple nessicary waits or when the sound is finished. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='4' (
SEt /p thyme=How much milliseconds 250 is usual: 
echo ping -n 1 -w !thyme! ^>NUL >>%dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-4' (
echo These waits are extremely important and should be used almost after every .txt. 
goto menu 
    If '%choose%'=='5' (
SEt /p point=what do you want the point to be labeled as: 
echo :!point! >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-5' (
echo You use this to label points where your animation can go back to. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='6' (
SEt /p answ=Is this a math variable y/n 
If !answ!==y goto yes 
If !answ!==n goto no 
goto Y 
SEt /p name=variable name 
set /p form=variable formula 
echo Set /a !name!=!form! >> %dir101% 
goto T 
SEt /p name=variable name 
set /p form=variable value 
echo Set !name!=!form! >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-6' (
echo Variables can be used to count the number of times something has shown so you. If you put %variable name% it will use the value of that 

goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='7' (
SEt /p point=What point do you want to go to: 
echo goto !point! >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-7' (
echo This is used to go back to points. THis is where you make infinite loops. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='8' (
set /p var=which variable do you want to use 
set /p string=What value should be questioned 
SET /p poin=What is the name of the point 
echo If '%!var!%'=='!string!' goto !poin! >> %dir101% 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-8' (
echo IF sentences are usually used to do a command after a variable is a certain number. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='-9' (
echo This is to close the batch. 
goto menu 
If '%choose%'=='9' (
echo Thanks for making 
exit /b 



這裏有問題嗎? – 2012-04-16 01:06:37



Just %% variable %%它真的很簡單





echo If '%someVar%'=='someString' goto someLabel 


echo If '%%!var!%%'=='!string!' goto !poin! >> %dir101%