那麼 - 臨時文件的優點確實是 - 更簡單的內存管理。在很多成熟/現代的操作系統上 - 像/ tmp這樣的短期文件的開銷很小(而且你的開發人員的時間很貴)。如果你有一些文件大小的想法 - 一個非常常見的方法就像下面這樣。
一個好辦法避免這一點就是使用類似http://apr.apache.org/ APR的共同性 - 即apr_socket_recv()和相關的內存管理(http://apr.apache.org/docs/apr/1.4/group_ 四月 _network__io的.html#gaa6ee00191f197f64b5a5409f4aff53d1)。通常這是一個長期的勝利。
// On entry:
// buffp - pointer to NULL or a malloced buffer.
// lenp - pointer for the length; set to 0 or the length of the malloced buffer.
// On exit
// return value < 0 for a fault, 0 for a connection close and > 0 for
// the number of bytes read.
// buffp will be filled out with the buffer filled; lenleftp with the bytes left
// (i.e not yet used).
// If post call *buffp != NULL you need to release/clean memory.
ssize_t sockread(..., unsigned char * * buffp , ssize_t * lenleftp) {
if (!buffp || !lenleftp)
return -1; // invalid params
// claim memory as needed.
if (*buffp == 0) {
*lenleftp = 16K;
*buffp = malloc(*lenleftp);
if (!*buffp || !*lenleftp)
return -2; // invalid params
ssize_t used = 0;
while(1) {
ssize_t l = recv(..., *buffp, *lenleftp - used, ..);
if (l < 0) {
// ignore transient errors we can retry without much ado.
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
free(*buffp); *buffp = *lenleftp = NULL;
// report a fail.
return -3;
// we simply assume that a TCP close means we're done.
if (l == 0)
used += l;
// increase buffer space as/when needed.
if (used >= lenleftp) {
*lenleftp += 32K;
*buffp = realloc(lenleftp);
// we're assuming that a read == 0-- i.e. tcp stream done means
// we're done with reading.
*lenleftp -= used;
return used;
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