class ManaPotion:
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Do not create raw ManaPotion objects.")
def __str__(self):
return "{} (+{} Mana)".format(self.name, self.mana_value)
class LargeManaPotion(ManaPotion):
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Large Mana Potion"
self.mana_value = 45
self.value = 40
class SmallManaPotion(ManaPotion):
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Small Mana Potion"
self.mana_value = 15
self.value = 10
正如您所看到的,它與SmallManaPotion相同。 以下是導致錯誤的功能。
class TraderTile(MapTile):
def intro_text(self):
return "A frail not-quite-human, not-quite-creature squats in the corner " \
"\nclinking his gold coins together. \nHe looks willing to trade."
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.trader = npc.Trader()
super().__init__(x, y)
def trade(self, buyer, seller):
for i, item in enumerate(seller.inventory, 1):
#the line below here is where I'm getting the error.
print("{}. {} - {} Gold".format(i, item.name, item.value))
while True:
user_input = input("Choose an item or press Q to exit: ")
if user_input in ['q', 'Q']:
choice = int(user_input)
to_swap = seller.inventory[choice - 1]
self.swap(seller, buyer, to_swap)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid choice!")
def swap(self, seller, buyer, item):
if item.value > buyer.gold:
print("That's too expensive.")
seller.gold = seller.gold + item.value
buyer.gold = buyer.gold - item.value
print("Trade complete!")
def check_if_trade(self, player):
while True:
print("\n\nGold: {} \nWould you like to (B)uy, (S)ell, or (Q)uit?".format(player.gold))
user_input = input()
if user_input in ['Q', 'q']:
elif user_input in ['B', 'b']:
print("\n\nGold: {} \nHere's whats available to buy: ".format(player.gold))
self.trade(buyer=player, seller=self.trader)
elif user_input in ['S', 's']:
print("\n\nGold: {} \nHere's what's available to sell: ".format(player.gold))
self.trade(buyer=self.trader, seller=player)
print("Invalid choice!")
def print_inventory(self):
for item in self.inventory:
print('* ' + str(item))
print("* Gold: {}".format(self.gold))
best_weapon = self.most_powerful_weapon()
print("Your best weapon is your {}".format(best_weapon))
Choose an action:
i: Print inventory
t: Trade
n: Go north
s: Go south
w: Go west
m: Replenish Mana
Action: t
Gold: 33
Would you like to (B)uy, (S)ell, or (Q)uit?
Gold: 33
Here's whats available to buy:
1. Crusty Bread - 12 Gold
2. Crusty Bread - 12 Gold
3. Crusty Bread - 12 Gold
4. Healing Potion - 60 Gold
5. Healing Potion - 60 Gold
6. Small Mana Potion - 10 Gold
7. Small Mana Potion - 10 Gold
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Cpt_Chirp/Documents/Escape/game.py", line 74, in <module>
File "/Users/Cpt_Chirp/Documents/Escape/game.py", line 17, in play
choose_action(room, player)
File "/Users/Cpt_Chirp/Documents/Escape/game.py", line 30, in choose_action
File "/Users/Cpt_Chirp/Documents/Escape/player.py", line 112, in trade
File "/Users/Cpt_Chirp/Documents/Escape/world.py", line 127, in check_if_trade
self.trade(buyer=player, seller=self.trader)
File "/Users/Cpt_Chirp/Documents/Escape/world.py", line 96, in trade
print("{}. {} - {} Gold".format(i, item.name, item.value))
AttributeError: type object 'LargeManaPotion' has no attribute 'name'
Process finished with exit code 1
請張貼錯誤消息和堆棧跟蹤。 – ozgur