#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
//Program Purpose: To accept a specific set of worker names and worker id number and accept the time they came to work and determine if they were early or late for the day.`
struct workers {
char worker_name[10];
int worker_id;
} workers;
int main()
struct workers worker1;
struct workers worker2;
strcpy (worker1.worker_name, "sean");
worker1.worker_Id = 1234;
strcpy (worker2.worker_name,"tajae");
worker2.worker_Id = 7890;
char worker_name [30];
int Worker_Id;
float Time_Arrived;
float Minutes_Late;
float Extra_Minutes;
float Minutes_Early;
float lunch_time;
float Departure;
printf("******************Produce Pro Time Management System********************\n\n");
printf("Good morning. Welcome to Produce Pro, Hope you had a good nights rest and ready to have a successful day at work today.\n\n");
printf("Please follow the instruction and answer with the required details\n");
printf("Note brief: All time are in army hours\n\n");
printf("Enter your Worker Name\n");
if (worker_name= worker1,worker2) // this is the error in the program//
printf ("Worker Name doesn't exist");
if (worker_name == worker1.worker_name || worker_name == worker2.worker_name)
printf("Welcome %s\n",worker_name);
else printf ("Worker Name doesn't exist\n");
您需要使用字符串比較功能,比如'strcmp'或更安全'strncmp'爲10的極限,因爲這是你的字符串的最大長度。 – pstrjds 2015-04-01 18:56:44
縮進4個空格(或選擇您的代碼並按下Ctrl-K)來格式化它。不要使用反引號代碼塊。 – chi 2015-04-01 18:56:45
等待,它不只是'strcmp()'你爲什麼要這樣'Worker_name = worker1,worker2'? – 2015-04-01 18:57:24