2010-06-08 78 views





使用the #error directive

#error "bad compiler!" 

int main() 
    return 0; 
$ gcc a.c -DSHOULD_FAIL=0 # passes fine 
$ gcc a.c -DSHOULD_FAIL=1 
a.c:2:2: error: #error "bad compiler!" 




這似乎很難...似乎無法找到方法 – coneybeare 2010-06-08 03:07:29


@coneybeare:NSZombieEnabled是您在**運行時設置的環境變量**。在編譯時你不必擔心它。但是,如果您有編譯時調試宏,此技術很有用。 – JeremyP 2010-06-08 07:34:19


+1請注意,你也可以做'#警告這是一個警告'發出警告而不是錯誤。 – 2010-06-19 15:23:29





echo "error: this build step failed!" 


echo "warning: this build step could be potentially faulty" 



complile-time assert() - a.k.a。靜態斷言 - 可能會有所幫助。這裏是我的,從http://www.pixelbeat.org/programming/gcc/static_assert.html主要衍生:

* Compile-time ASSERT(). Similar to the BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(). And the C++0x 
* static_assert(), which also has a parameter for a useless error message 
* (see correction!). Our ASSERT() can be placed anywhere in the code, except: 
* o In a twice-included header file, without a #ifndef...#endif wrapper. 
* o In the middle of a structure definition (or enum definition). 
* o In C89 or C90, after a statement. But you can wrap it in braces! 
* If you want stick something in the middle of a structure definition 
* you'll need to use the ugly, three-line construct #if...#error...#endif. 
* And if you do do this, the pre-processor has a much more limited idea of 
* what a "constant expression" is. 
* This is a refinement of ideas from the web (www.pixebeat.org is good). It 
* is shorter than BOOST. And, I believe, is better than Linus Torvald's 
* suggestion for an improved BUILD_BUG_ON(). And the do{...}while(0) wrapper 
* you commonly see is totally inapplicable here: it limits permissible 
* locations. 
* The web has many suggestions using arrays with a negative index. But with 
* GCC, most of these do not detect a NON-CONSTANT arg (which is easy enough 
* to do in error), except for the attractive 'extern int foo[expression]', 
* which also gives an 'unused variable' warning (which might be fixable via 
* (void)foo). GCC 4.3 apparently has a built-in static_assert(). Update: 
* typedef int array[expression] seems also to be good. 
#define CONCAT_TOKENS(a, b) a ## b 
#define ASSERT(e) enum {EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT(ASSERT_line_,__LINE__) = 1/!!(e)} 

但我糾正了在C '無用' 的消息我看來++ 0x中:

* Correction!: The message in static_assert() isn't quite useless, and we've 
* added it to ASSERTM(). This is needed for the case where two different 
* header files happen by chance to have two ASSERT()'s on the same line, or 
* likewise for a source file and a header file. 
* We could also handle this via __COUNTER__, but this isn't supported by 
* the SGI compiler (and is uglier). And we can't use __FILE__, because it 
* doesn't usually expand to a valid C token (e.g. it has a dot c or dot h). 
#define ASSERTM(e,m) enum{EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT(m##_ASSERT_line_,__LINE__)=1/!!(e)} 


* Example: 
ASSERTM (sizeof (int16) == 2, my_global_header_h); 
ASSERTM (sizeof (ord32) == 4, my_global_header_h); 
ASSERTM (sizeof (int64) == 8, my_global_header_h); 

* Equally good, I believe, is the following variant, but it is slightly 
* longer (and not used by us at the present time): 
#define ASSERTt(e) typedef int EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT(ASSERT_line_,__LINE__)[1-2*!(e)]