2012-11-05 76 views


java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar \ -role hub -port 4444 

然後我跑另一臺機器上下方的另一命令作爲一個節點(操作系統:Windows 7 64位):

java -jar "selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar" \ -role node -port 5555 -hub \browser browserName=firefox,platform=WINDOWS 

但我收到以下錯誤消息:請幫助找到有什麼問題。 (我已經禁用了防火牆)

> Nov 05, 2012 5:12:37 PM org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher main 
> INFO: Launching a selenium grid node Nov 05, 2012 5:12:38 PM 
> org.openqa.grid.internal.utils.SelfRegisteringRemote startRemoteServer 
> WARNING: error getting the parameters from the hub. The node may end 
> up with wrong timeouts.A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at 
> character 1 17:12:38.064 INFO - Java: Oracle Corporation 23.3-b01 
> 17:12:38.066 INFO - OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64 17:12:38.068 INFO - 
> v2.25.0, with Core v2.25.0. Built from revision 17482 17:12:38.172 
> INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to: 
> 17:12:38.174 INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x 
> 17:12:38.174 INFO - Started 
> HttpContext[/selenium-server/driver,/selenium-server/driver] 
> 17:12:38.175 INFO - Started 
> HttpContext[/selenium-server,/selenium-server] 17:12:38.175 INFO - 
> Started HttpContext[/,/] 17:12:38.177 INFO - Started 
> [email protected] 17:12:38.177 
> INFO - Started HttpContext[/wd,/wd] 17:12:38.181 INFO - Started 
> SocketListener on 17:12:38.181 INFO - Started 
> [email protected] 17:12:38.183 INFO - using the 
> json request : 
> {"class":"org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest","capabilities":[{"pla 
> tform":"VISTA","seleniumProtocol":"Selenium","browserName":"*firefox","maxInstances":5},{"platform":"VISTA","seleniumPro 
> tocol":"Selenium","browserName":"*googlechrome","maxInstances":5},{"platform":"VISTA","seleniumProtocol":"Selenium","bro 
> wserName":"*iexplore","maxInstances":1},{"platform":"VISTA","seleniumProtocol":"WebDriver","browserName":"firefox","maxI 
> nstances":5},{"platform":"VISTA","seleniumProtocol":"WebDriver","browserName":"chrome","maxInstances":5},{"platform":"WI 
> NDOWS","seleniumProtocol":"WebDriver","browserName":"internet 
> explorer","maxInstances":1}],"configuration":{"port":5555, 
> "register":true,"host":"","proxy":"org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy","maxSession":5,"hubHo 
> st":"","role":"node","registerCycle":5000,"hub":"","hubPort":4444, 
> "url":"","remoteHost":""}} 
> 17:12:38.185 INFO - starting auto register thread. Will try to 
> register every 5000 ms. 17:12:38.185 INFO - Registering the node to 
> hub : 17:12:38.189 INFO - 
> couldn't register this node : Error sending the registration request. 
> 17:12:43.194 INFO - couldn't register this node : hub down or not 
> responding. 17:12:48.197 INFO - couldn't register this node : hub down 
> or not responding. 

如果您嘗試從客戶端計算機上的瀏覽器中訪問http://,會發生什麼情況? – CIGuy


我得到HTTP錯誤:403 Forbidden for Proxy Request URI =/ –


但http://有效。我獲得了管理會話的頁面。 –





您只需啓動集線器。輸入命令行「java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role hub」,然後打開另一個終端並輸入命令「java -jar」selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar「 \ -role node -port 5555 -hub \ browser browserName = firefox,platform = WINDOW「