public class MyOE
public int ageField { get; set; }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class ColumnAtt : Attribute
private string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
public ColumnAtt (string name)
this.name = name;
public void CompareTwoObjectsAndSaveChanges<TObjectType>(TObjectType objectA, TObjectType objectB)
if(objectA.GetType() == objectB.GetType())
foreach (var prop in objectA.GetType().GetProperties())
if(prop.GetValue(objectA, null) != prop.GetValue(objectB, null))
string colvalue = "";//Here I need to get the Column value of the attribute.
string nameOfPropertyThatChanges = prop.Name;
string objectAValue = prop.GetValue(objectA, null).ToString();
string objectBValue = prop.GetValue(objectB, null).ToString();
謝謝,兄弟!出於任何原因,條件if(prop.GetValue(objectA,null)!= prop.GetValue(objectB,null)),我不知道爲什麼..我比較相同的值,並說它們是不同的(兩個大寫和相同的打字。) – 2012-02-02 20:19:26
@ Dan-SP它試圖比較哪些值?有可能使用'!='運算符,它不能正確比較。 – 2012-02-03 08:17:15
我試圖比較兩個簡單的字符串..它們具有完全相同的值。 – 2012-02-06 17:58:24