我基本上嘗試了一些方法來修改這裏已經存在的問題的像素數據。然而,沒有什麼只是工作。如何在openCV中修改cv :: Mat的像素數據?
我正在iOS OpenCV2.framework上工作。
UIImage *inputUIImage = [UIImage imageName:@"someImage.png"];
UIImage *outputUIImage = nil;
cv::Mat inputImage = <Getting this from a method that converts UIImage to cv::Mat: Working properly>
cv::Mat outputImage;
for(int i=0; i < outputImage.rows; i++)
for (int j=0; j<outputImage.cols; j++)
Vec4b bgrColor = outputImage.at<Vec4b>(i,j);
//converting the 1st channel <assuming the sequence to be BGRA>
// to a very small value of blue i.e. 1 (out of 255)
bgrColor.val[0] = (uchar)1.0f;
outputUIImage = <Converting cv::Mat to UIImage via a local method : Working properly>
self.imageView1.image = inputUIImage;
self.imageView2.image = outputUIImage;
//here both images are same in colour. no changes.
但在這裏,即使你寫了相同的代碼,我做了第一個1 ..和它不工作。然而,我會嘗試第二個。 – CodenameLambda1
對不起。錯字。現在修復 – kamjagin
嗯我看..現在它的一個參考。 – CodenameLambda1