2013-12-11 90 views


open System.Collections.Generic 

let factorials = Dictionary<int, int>() 
factorials.Add(1, 1) 

let rec factorial n = 
    if n <= 1 then 1 
     match factorials.TryGetValue(n) with 
     | true, _ -> n * factorial(n-1) 
     | false, _ -> 
      factorials.Add(n, n * factorial(n-1)) 
      n * factorial(n-1)  

let a = factorial 9 


  1. 爲什麼我需要在假比賽結束調用n * factorial (n-1)
  2. 爲什麼我需要在真實比賽中->之後的表情?

這是一個簡單的memoized版本的階乘函數。 –





|true,result -> result 



n * factorial(n-1) 


|false, _ -> 
    let r = n * factorial(n-1) 

TryGetValue返回一個布爾值(顯然只有一個值),那麼true和false後的第二個元素是什麼(導致你的答案)?另外,爲什麼我不能在錯誤匹配中的「 - >」之後加上「factorials.Add(n,n * factorial(n-1))」? – reggaeguitar


'Trygetvalue'實際上也會返回一個值 - 請參閱http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb347013(v=vs.110).aspx。這是你的版本需要'_'的原因。你可以擁有自己的版本,但是這樣做的遞歸調用會浪費兩次。 –


'TryGetValue'有一個out參數,F#作爲第二個元素。 –

// Access the library containing the Dictionary module 
open System.Collections.Generic 

// Crate a key value,pair named factorials, e.g. table, to hold the 
// the factorial number n and it's result. 
let factorials = Dictionary<int, int>() 

// Add an initial entry into the factorials table for the 
// value for one and the result of the factorial of one, being one. 
factorials.Add(1, 1) 

// Define a recursive function for factorial 
// taking one integer parameter 
let rec factorial n = 
    // If the parameter is less than or equal to one 
    // then return one 
    if n <= 1 then 1 
    // If the parameter is greater than one then 
     // look up the result of the factorial in the factorials table. 
     // Use TryGetValue when looking up value to avoid errors when 
     // there is no matching key for the value. 
     // There is a problem here with the way TryGetValue is used. 
     // It should be used as 
     // let mutable factresult 
     // factorials.TryGetValue(n,factresult) 
     // The problem causes the result of TryGetValue(n) to be 
     // the tuple (bool * int) instead of bool with the 
     // value part updating the mutable factresult. 
     // Next the patterns for the match are true,_ and false, _ 
     // which match the tuple of the TryGetValue(n) 
     // but the _ means to toss out the value it matches 
     // because it doesn't have a name, 
     // so the whole use of the factorials table is not needed. 
     match factorials.TryGetValue(n) with 
     // If there is an entry in the factorials table then take this action. 
     // Take n and multiply it by the factorial of n-1. 
     // As an example for 5 this becomes 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 
     // Take the result of n * factorial(n-1) and push it on to the stack 
     // as the result of the function. 
     | true, _ -> n * factorial(n-1) 
     // If there is no entry in the factorials table then 
     // calculate the result of the factorial of n, i.e. n * factorial(n-1)) 
     // and add it to the factorials table. 
     // Take the result of n * factorial(n-1) and push it on to the stack 
     // as the result of the function. 
     | false, _ -> 
      factorials.Add(n, n * factorial(n-1)) 
      n * factorial(n-1)  

let a = factorial 9 



1.爲什麼我需要在假比賽結束調用N *階乘(N-1)?



match factorials.TryGetValue(n) with 
    | true, _ -> n * factorial(n-1) 
    | false, _ -> 
     factorials.Add(n, n * factorial(n-1)) 
     n * factorial(n-1) 


n * factorial(n-1) 

2.爲什麼我還需要後表達 - >在真正的比賽?

匹配語句獲取匹配結果,例如, factorials.TryGetValue(n)並匹配可能的模式。由於此匹配的簽名是(bool * int),因此您已將所有模式與(true,)和(false,)匹配。現在對於每種匹配模式,您必須具有詳細說明要完成的代碼。 - >將代碼中的模式與詳細說明要完成的代碼分開。將匹配和模式視爲切換語句。您需要爲每個交換機選項採取一些操作。


感謝您的詳細解釋。您鏈接的答案不包括memoization,這是本練習的重點。附:我來自C#的土地,這就是爲什麼我試圖學習F#和函數式編程,感謝您的建議 – reggaeguitar


你在問題或標題中提到記憶的地方? –


我沒有抱歉,只是編輯它。感謝您的鏈接 – reggaeguitar