2013-11-03 283 views



附加信息:該進程無法訪問該文件'J:\ Computing Coursework \ real project \ KES \ Resources \ username.txt',因爲它正被另一個進程使用。「


Imports System.IO 

Public Class Login 

Private Sub Login_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 

End Sub 

Private usernameWriter As New StreamWriter("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\username.txt") 'Creates the stream for writing the username to file 

Private passwordWriter As New StreamWriter("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\password.txt") 'Creates the stream for writing the password to file 

Dim currentLogin As String 'Allows the program to recognise which user is logged in currently 

Private Sub btn_CreateAccount_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_CreateAccount.Click 
    usernameWriter.WriteLine(txtbox_UsernameCreate.Text) 'Writes the username to the username file. 
    passwordWriter.WriteLine(txtbox_PasswordCreate.Text) 'Writes the password to the password file. 
    usernameWriter.Close() 'Closes the username file after writing to it so that changes are saved to the file. 
    passwordWriter.Close() 'Closes the password file for the same reason as the username file above. 
    currentLogin = txtbox_UsernameCreate.Text 
    Dim statsFile As New StreamWriter("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\" + currentLogin + ".txt") 
    Tokyo.Show() 'Tokyo is the name for the main menu 
    Me.Hide() 'As Login is the startup form for this solution, it is hidden instead of closed so that the program will not terminate when the login screen dissapears. 
End Sub 

Private Sub btn_Login_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_Login.Click 
    Dim usernameReader As New StreamReader("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\username.txt") 'Sets the location for the username to be found in 

    Dim passwordReader As New StreamReader("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\password.txt") 'Sets the location for the password to be found in 

    Dim n As Integer 
    Dim i As Integer 
    While n < 101 'Checks the first 100 lines for the username 
     If txtbox_UsernameCreate.Text = usernameReader.ReadLine Then 'If the username is found close the usernameReader and move on to the password 
      While i < 101 'checks the first 100 password entries 
       If txtboxPassword.Text = passwordReader.ReadLine Then 'If the password is found then close the passwordReader, set the login ID and then open the main menu 
        currentLogin = txtbox_UserName.Text 
        i += 1 'otherwise it increments the count so that the next line can be read 
       End If 
       MsgBox("No valid password") 'If the first 100 lines have been checked and there is no password then this returns the msgbox 
      End While 
      n += 1 'otherwise it increments the count so that the next line can be read 
     End If 
     MsgBox("No valid username") 'If the first 100 lines have been checked and there is no username then this returns the msgbox 
    End While 
End Sub 
End Class 



爲什麼不能讀取文件一次全部進入(字符串)的列表(或列表(中UserPW)),以便你可以關閉這些文件。通過「抹」你的意思是文件是空的?至少,在離開表單之前,您還應該關閉您打開的文件。 Me.Hide將他們打開。 – Plutonix


如果我使用me.close(),那麼程序將終止,因爲它是在啓動時加載的表單。 –




你的文件正在被消滅的原因是,你是在聲明他們的時間創建StreamWriter對象。 StreamWriter對象打開一個文件,並準備儘快爲他們創建寫微博,並有初始化模塊級變量,只要父類實例化創建的,因此,正如你所看到的那樣,首先發生的是您的文件被覆蓋。



(同樣的原則 - 創造在最後的時刻,用後處理 - 適用於讀者,也是如此。)


Private usernameWriter As StreamWriter 'The stream for writing the username to file 
Private passwordWriter As StreamWriter 'The stream for writing the password to file 


usernameWriter = new StreamWriter("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\username.txt") 
usernameWriter.WriteLine(txtbox_UsernameCreate.Text) 'Writes the username to the username file. 

passwordWriter = new StreamWriter("J:\Computing Coursework\real project\KES\Resources\password.txt") 
passwordWriter.WriteLine(txtbox_PasswordCreate.Text) 'Writes the password to the password file. 

我已刪除了聲明的「新」的一部分,但是出現了一個錯誤:「數組邊界不能出現在類型說明符」 –


'私人usernameWriter作爲StreamWriter' – Plutonix


@MarcusEagle我已經添加了正確的語法的例子。 –