2013-03-17 55 views


Detail see here:

There are actually 3 languages which are not accepted in their own script. These languages 
are korean, japanese and **chinese** because this languages are using an alphabet where a 
single character is build by using multiple characters. 

In the case you are using these languages, the input will only be validated by using the 
english alphabet. 




你可以做的是建立你自己的小驗證類。我結合Php check if the string has Chinese charsHow to check if the word is Japanese or English using PHP建立由extending the abstract validator這兩個小驗證你:

namespace MyApp\Validator; 

use Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator; 

// forgive the name of this class 
class IsNotOrientalLanguage extends AbstractValidator 
    * {@inheritDoc} 
    public function isValid($value) 
     $this->abstractOptions['messages'] = array(); 

     if (preg_match('/\p{Han}+/u', $value)) { 
      $this->abstractOptions['messages'][] = 'Chinese not allowed.'; 

     if (preg_match('/[\x{4E00}-\x{9FBF}]/u', $value)) { 
      $this->abstractOptions['messages'][] = 'Kankji not allowed.'; 

     if (preg_match('/[\x{3040}-\x{309F}]/u', $value)) { 
      $this->abstractOptions['messages'][] = 'Hiragana not allowed.'; 

     if (preg_match('/[\x{30A0}-\x{30FF}]/u', $value)) { 
      $this->abstractOptions['messages'][] = 'Katakana not allowed.'; 

     return ! $this->abstractOptions['messages']; 


use Zend\InputFilter\Input; 
use MyApp\Validator\IsNotOrientalLanguage; 

$input = new Input('blog_post'); 

$input->getValidatorChain()->attach(new IsNotOrientalLanguage());