我正在寫一個宏代碼來發送電子郵件通過IBM Lotus Notes,我能夠發送給客戶,但錯誤的內容,我已經保存了電子郵件的內容工作表「一般概述」在這裏:使用Excel通過Lotus Notes發送電子郵件
Set rngGen = Sheets("General Overview").Range("A1:C30").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Sub Send_Unformatted_Rangedata(i As Integer)
Dim noSession As Object, noDatabase As Object, noDocument As Object
Dim vaRecipient As Variant
Dim rnBody As Range
Dim Data As DataObject
Dim rngGen As Range
Dim rngApp As Range
Dim rngspc As Range
Dim stSubject As String
stSubject = "E-Mail For Approval for " + (Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "A").Value) + " for the Project " + Replace(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".xls", "")
'Const stMsg As String = "Data as part of the e-mail's body."
'Const stPrompt As String = "Please select the range:"
'This is one technique to send an e-mail to many recipients but for larger
'number of recipients it's more convenient to read the recipient-list from
'a range in the workbook.
vaRecipient = VBA.Array(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "U").Value, Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "V").Value)
On Error Resume Next
'Set rnBody = Application.InputBox(Prompt:=stPrompt, _
Default:=Selection.Address, Type:=8)
'The user canceled the operation.
'If rnBody Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set rngGen = Nothing
Set rngApp = Nothing
Set rngspc = Nothing
Set rngGen = Sheets("General Overview").Range("A1:C30").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set rngApp = Sheets("Application").Range("A1:E13").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set rngspc = Sheets(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "P").Value).Range(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "Q").Value).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set rngspc = Union(rngspc, Sheets(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "P").Value).Range(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "R").Value).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
On Error GoTo 0
If rngGen Is Nothing And rngApp Is Nothing And rngspc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected. " & _
vbNewLine & "Please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
'Instantiate Lotus Notes COM's objects.
Set noSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set noDatabase = noSession.GETDATABASE("", "")
'Make sure Lotus Notes is open and available.
If noDatabase.IsOpen = False Then noDatabase.OPENMAIL
'Create the document for the e-mail.
Set noDocument = noDatabase.CreateDocument
'Copy the selected range into memory.
'Retrieve the data from then copied range.
Set Data = New DataObject
'Add data to the mainproperties of the e-mail's document.
With noDocument
.Form = "Memo"
.SendTo = vaRecipient
.Subject = stSubject
'Retrieve the data from the clipboard.
.Body = Data.GetText & " " & stMsg
.SaveMessageOnSend = True
End With
'Send the e-mail.
With noDocument
.PostedDate = Now()
.send 0, vaRecipient
End With
'Release objects from memory.
Set noDocument = Nothing
Set noDatabase = Nothing
Set noSession = Nothing
'Activate Excel for the user.
'Change Microsoft Excel to Excel
AppActivate "Excel"
'Empty the clipboard.
Application.CutCopyMode = False
MsgBox "The e-mail has successfully been created and distributed.", vbInformation
End Sub
Sub Send_Formatted_Range_Data(i As Integer)
Dim oWorkSpace As Object, oUIDoc As Object
Dim rnBody As Range
Dim lnRetVal As Long
Dim stTo As String
Dim stCC As String
Dim stSubject As String
Const stMsg As String = "An e-mail has been succesfully created and saved."
Dim rngGen As Range
Dim rngApp As Range
Dim rngspc As Range
stTo = Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "U").Value
stCC = Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "V").Value
stSubject = "E-Mail For Approval for " + (Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "A").Value) + " for the Project " + Replace(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".xls", "")
'Check if Lotus Notes is open or not.
lnRetVal = FindWindow("NOTES", vbNullString)
If lnRetVal = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please make sure that Lotus Notes is open!", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rngGen = Sheets("General Overview").Range("A1:C30").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set rngApp = Sheets("Application").Range("A1:E13").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set rngspc = Sheets(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "P").Value).Range(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "Q").Value).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set rngspc = Union(rngspc, Sheets(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "P").Value).Range(Sheets("Summary").Cells(i, "R").Value).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
On Error GoTo 0
If rngGen Is Nothing And rngApp Is Nothing And rngspc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "The selection is not a range or the sheet is protected. " & _
vbNewLine & "Please correct and try again.", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
'Instantiate the Lotus Notes COM's objects.
Set oWorkSpace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
On Error Resume Next
Set oUIDoc = oWorkSpace.ComposeDocument("", "mail\xldennis.nsf", "Memo")
On Error GoTo 0
Set oUIDoc = oWorkSpace.CurrentDocument
'Using LotusScript to create the e-mail.
Call oUIDoc.FieldSetText("EnterSendTo", stTo)
Call oUIDoc.FieldSetText("EnterCopyTo", stCC)
Call oUIDoc.FieldSetText("Subject", stSubject)
'If You experience any issues with the above three lines then replace it with:
'Call oUIDoc.FieldAppendText("EnterSendTo", stTo)
'Call oUIDoc.FieldAppendText("EnterCopyTo", stCC)
'Call oUIDoc.FieldAppendText("Subject", stSubject)
'The can be used if You want to add a message into the created document.
Call oUIDoc.FieldAppendText("Body", vbNewLine & stBody)
'Here the selected range is pasted into the body of the outgoing e-mail.
Call oUIDoc.GoToField("Body")
Call oUIDoc.Paste
'Save the created document.
Call oUIDoc.Save(True, False, False)
'If the e-mail also should be sent then add the following line.
'Call oUIDoc.Send(True)
'Release objects from memory.
Set oWorkSpace = Nothing
Set oUIDoc = Nothing
With Application
.CutCopyMode = False
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
MsgBox stMsg, vbInformation
'Activate Lotus Notes.
AppActivate ("Notes")
'Last edited Feb 11, 2015 by Peter Moncera
End Sub
隨着複製到內存中。下一個副本會替換最後一個副本嗎?所以你在做'rngGen.copy','rngApp.copy','rngspc.copy',但是不會用'rngspc.copy'替代,因爲這是最近被複制到內存中的。我很確定excel只能在剪貼板中有1件東西 – Sam
@Sam謝謝,你知道如何手動發送郵件嗎? –