2017-03-28 53 views

我想將文本中的一列數據更改爲時間戳類型。我的數據中沒有時區。我的數據格式是28-03-17 17:22,包括時間和日期,但沒有時區。換句話說,我所有的數據都在同一時區。我該怎麼做?postgreSQL將列數據類型更改爲不帶時區的時間戳



alter table AB 
alter create_time type TIMESTAMP; 

ERROR: column "create_time" cannot be cast automatically to type timestamp without time zone 
HINT: You might need to specify "USING create_time::timestamp without time zone". 
********** Error ********** 

ERROR: column "create_time" cannot be cast automatically to type timestamp without time zone 
SQL state: 42804 
Hint: You might need to specify "USING create_time::timestamp without time zone". 
alter table AB 
alter create_time type TIMESTAMP without time zone; 

ERROR: column "create_time" cannot be cast automatically to type timestamp without time zone 
HINT: You might need to specify "USING create_time::timestamp without time zone". 
********** Error ********** 

ERROR: column "create_time" cannot be cast automatically to type timestamp without time zone 
SQL state: 42804 
Hint: You might need to specify "USING create_time::timestamp without time zone". 
alter table AB 
alter create_time::without time zone type TIMESTAMP; 

ERROR: syntax error at or near "::" 
LINE 2: alter create_time::without time zone type TIMESTAM 
********** Error ********** 

ERROR: syntax error at or near "::" 
SQL state: 42601 
Character: 50 
alter table AB 
alter create_time UTC type TIMESTAMP; 

ERROR: syntax error at or near "UTC" 
LINE 2: alter create_time UTC type TIMESTAMP; 
********** Error ********** 

ERROR: syntax error at or near "UTC" 
SQL state: 42601 
Character: 50 

作爲一般規則,請在您的問題中包含任何相關的錯誤消息。如果沒有錯誤,請提及*爲什麼*您認爲它沒有按預期工作。說這是「不正確的做法」不是很有幫助或者不夠詳細。 –


添加了所有錯誤。請檢查一下。謝謝。 – Amy


閱讀錯誤信息和您的代碼:'使用create_time :: timestamp without time zone'與您的代碼:'create_time :: without time zone type TIMESTAMP;' –




-- Create a temporary TIMESTAMP column 
ALTER TABLE AB ADD COLUMN create_time_holder TIMESTAMP without time zone NULL; 

-- Copy casted value over to the temporary column 
UPDATE AB SET create_time_holder = create_time::TIMESTAMP; 

-- Modify original column using the temporary column 
ALTER TABLE AB ALTER COLUMN create_time TYPE TIMESTAMP without time zone USING create_time_holder; 

-- Drop the temporary column (after examining altered column values) 
ALTER TABLE AB DROP COLUMN create_time_holder; 

嗨,獅子座。這是一個正確的方法,設置「set datestyle =」ISO,DMY「。非常感謝你! – Amy


更改格式後,我現有的所有數據都很好。但問題是,當我試圖導入數據錯誤:在最後一個預期的列之後的額外數據 上下文:COPY ca_manifest_checkpoint,第2行:「Canada,YYZ01A,YYZ01A_20170329_151501.txt,953353795858,31,,29/03/2017 14:57:55,30/03/2017 03:20:02,,我......「 – Amy


您是否有機會將表格連同附加支持列一起導出,然後在持有人列之後重新導入下降? –



... alter create_time type TIMESTAMP USING create_time::TIMESTAMP; 

錯誤:日期/時間字段值超出範圍:「23/03/2017 05:20:02「 建議:也許你需要一個不同的」日期式「設置。 **********錯誤********** 錯誤:日期/時間字段值超出範圍:「23/03/2017 05:20:02」 SQL狀態:22008 提示:也許你需要一個不同的「日期樣式」設置。 – Amy


我很抱歉,它再次顯示錯誤。 – Amy



ALTER TABLE AB ALTER COLUMN create_time TYPE TIMESTAMP without time zone USING date('20170327') + create_time; 


ALTER TABLE AB ALTER COLUMN create_time TYPE TIMESTAMP without time zone USING date(create_date) + create_time; 

謝謝你的回答。我設置的數據類型是文本開頭的正弦數據類似'28-03-17 17:22',包括時間和日期,但沒有時區。 – Amy


我發表了我的評論作爲另一個答案 - 評論部分對於顯示多行代碼太有限。 –



alter table <tablename> alter column <columnname> type timestamp without time zone using to_timestamp(<columnname>) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'; 


alter table AB alter column col type timestamp without time zone using to_timestamp(col) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'; 


alter table <tablename> alter column <columnname> type bigint using extract(EPOCH from <columnname>); 


alter table AB alter column col type bigint using extract(EPOCH from col); 