Sub Test()
' minimum included here to demonstrate use of buildInvertedIndex procedure
Dim vRange As Range
Dim vDict As Dictionary
Set vRange = ActiveSheet.Range("F2:F20585")
Set vDict = New Dictionary
BuildInvertedIndex vDict, vRange
' test values returned in dictionary (word: [line 1, ..., line n])
Dim k As Variant, vCounter As Long
vCounter = 0
For Each k In vDict.Keys
Debug.Print k & ": " & ArrayToString(vDict.Item(k))
vCounter = vCounter + 1
If vCounter >= 10 Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Sub BuildInvertedIndex(pDict As Dictionary, pRange As Range)
Dim cell As Range
Dim words As Variant, word As Variant, val As Variant
Dim tmpArr() As Long
Dim newLen As Long, i As Long
' loop through cells (one col wide so same as looping through lines)
For Each cell In pRange.Cells
' loop through words in line
words = Split(cell.Value)
For Each word In words
If Not pDict.exists(word) Then
' start line array with first row number
pDict.Add word, Array(cell.Row())
i = 0
If Not InArray(cell.Row(), pDict.Item(word)) Then
newLen = UBound(pDict.Item(word)) + 1
ReDim tmpArr(newLen)
For Each val In tmpArr
If i < newLen Then
tmpArr(i) = pDict.Item(word)(i)
tmpArr(i) = cell.Row()
End If
i = i + 1
Next val
pDict.Item(word) = tmpArr
End If
End If
Next word
Next cell
End Sub
Function ArrayToString(vArray As Variant, _
Optional vDelim As String = ",") As String
' only included to support test (be able to see what is in the arrays)
Dim vDelimString As String
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray)
vDelimString = vDelimString & CStr(vArray(i)) & _
IIf(vCounter < UBound(vArray), vDelim, "")
ArrayToString = vDelimString
End Function
要運行此操作,需要活動工作表(語句)F列中的值,如果您尚未擁有它,則還需要在VBA環境中添加對Microsoft腳本運行時的引用,以使字典數據類型可用(工具 - >參考 - > Microsoft腳本運行時)。
不能直接使用存儲在字典中的數組 - 通常的方法是將其從字典中提取出來,修改它,然後將其重新存儲在同一個插槽中。 EG:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16447088/adding-to-an-array-in-vba-with-strings-as-the-index/16451081#16451081 –