2017-03-16 100 views






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      <a class="thumb-link" title="6 Animals that Went Viral Around the World" href="http://animal-site.com/?p=106588" rel="bookmark"> 
      <h2>6 Animals that Went Viral Around the World </h2> 
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      <span class="post-meta"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 
\t <a rel="bookmark">2 weeks ago</a></span> <span class="post-meta"> 
\t <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> 
\t <a href="http://animal-site.com/?p=106588#respond">0</a></span> 
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    <div class="post-meta"> 
    <div class="post-cat"><a href="#cat-link">News</a></div> 
    <p><a href="#comments-link">Comments</a><a href="#respond-link">Respond</a></p> 
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它的作品就像一個魅力,謝謝。 – meno


只需添加新的 「一」 之前 「拇指稱號」,並使其絕對的。 這裏更新varsion jsfiddle


<a href="http://google.com" class='imageLink'>Click Image</a> 


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我們嘗試過,但不需要圖像上的任何其他文字點擊鏈接 – meno


lol只是刪除文本 – kloshar4o