好球員,我找到了解決辦法:)我更新了我的標籤到Android 3.1,那給了我真正的錯誤,OutOfMemoryError。我在點擊按鈕時分配了我的背景。所以我現在做一個
,而不是 BitmapDrawable 並且直到背景以及設置禁用我的按鈕(以避免在同一時間兩個大BitmapDrawable創建)。
希望它能幫助你,可憐的3.0 developpers ^^
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options;
import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable;
public class BitmapDrawableCache {
private static BitmapDrawableCache instance = null;
WeakHashMap<String, WeakReference<BitmapDrawable>> cache;
private BitmapDrawableCache() {
cache = new WeakHashMap<String, WeakReference<BitmapDrawable>>();
public synchronized static BitmapDrawable get(String drawablePath) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new BitmapDrawableCache();
BitmapDrawable bmd = null;
WeakReference<BitmapDrawable> wr0 = instance.cache.get(drawablePath);
if (instance.cache.get(drawablePath) != null) bmd = wr0.get();
if (bmd == null) {
WeakReference<BitmapDrawable> wr = new WeakReference<BitmapDrawable>(new BitmapDrawable(drawablePath));
instance.cache.put(drawablePath, wr);
bmd = wr.get();
return bmd;
public synchronized static BitmapDrawable get(Bitmap bitmap) {
String drawableName = "_bitmap_" + bitmap.hashCode();
if (instance == null) {
instance = new BitmapDrawableCache();
BitmapDrawable bmd = null;
WeakReference<BitmapDrawable> wr0 = instance.cache.get(drawableName);
if (instance.cache.get(drawableName) != null) bmd = wr0.get();
if (bmd == null) {
WeakReference<BitmapDrawable> wr = new WeakReference<BitmapDrawable>(new BitmapDrawable(bitmap));
instance.cache.put(drawableName, wr);
bmd = wr.get();
return bmd;
//Get BitmapDrawable in cache with options to reduce its size
public synchronized static BitmapDrawable get(String drawableName, Options options) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new BitmapDrawableCache();
BitmapDrawable bmd = null;
WeakReference<BitmapDrawable> wr0 = instance.cache.get(drawableName);
if (instance.cache.get(drawableName) != null) bmd = wr0.get();
if (bmd == null) {
File f = new File(drawableName);
WeakReference<BitmapDrawable> wr = new WeakReference<BitmapDrawable>(new BitmapDrawable(instance.decodeFile(f, options)));
instance.cache.put(drawableName, wr);
bmd = wr.get();
return bmd;
//decodes image and scales it to reduce memory consumption
private Bitmap decodeFile(File f, Options o2){
try {
//Decode image size
BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f),null,o);
int scale=1;
//The new size we want to scale to
final int REQUIRED_SIZE=70;
//Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2.
int width_tmp=o.outWidth, height_tmp=o.outHeight;
if(width_tmp/2<REQUIRED_SIZE || height_tmp/2<REQUIRED_SIZE)
//Decode with inSampleSize
// BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(f), null, o2);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {}
return null;