2011-08-25 86 views

根據以下文檔http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/gc-tuning-6-140523.html#par_gc.ergonomics.default_size,使用公式MIN(內存/ 4,1GB)選擇並行GC的默認最大堆大小。從公式中可以明顯看出,但文檔仍然指出「不管計算機上安裝了多少內存,默認的最大堆大小不會超過1GB」。要驗證我寫了下面的程序熱點默認最大堆大小


    public class Allocate{ 

     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
      long megabytes = Long.valueOf(args[0]); 
      long bytes = megabytes * 1024 * 1024; 
      int longs = (int) (bytes/8); 
      long[] arr = new long[longs]; 



    [email protected] allocation]$ /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/java Allocate 2048 & 
    [1] 9291 
    [[email protected] allocation]$ /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin/jmap -heap 9291 
    Attaching to process ID 9291, please wait... 
    Debugger attached successfully. 
    Server compiler detected. 
    JVM version is 20.1-b02 

    using thread-local object allocation. 
    Parallel GC with 8 thread(s) 

    Heap Configuration: 
     MinHeapFreeRatio = 40 
     MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70 
     MaxHeapSize  = 4208984064 (4014.0MB) 
     NewSize   = 1310720 (1.25MB) 
     MaxNewSize  = 17592186044415 MB 
     OldSize   = 5439488 (5.1875MB) 
     NewRatio   = 2 
     SurvivorRatio = 8 
     PermSize   = 21757952 (20.75MB) 
     MaxPermSize  = 85983232 (82.0MB) 

    Heap Usage: 
    PS Young Generation 
    Eden Space: 
     capacity = 65798144 (62.75MB) 
     used  = 1315976 (1.2550125122070312MB) 
     free  = 64482168 (61.49498748779297MB) 
     2.0000199397721614% used 
    From Space: 
     capacity = 10944512 (10.4375MB) 
     used  = 0 (0.0MB) 
     free  = 10944512 (10.4375MB) 
     0.0% used 
    To Space: 
     capacity = 10944512 (10.4375MB) 
     used  = 0 (0.0MB) 
     free  = 10944512 (10.4375MB) 
     0.0% used 
    PS Old Generation 
     capacity = 2322923520 (2215.3125MB) 
     used  = 2147483664 (2048.000015258789MB) 
     free  = 175439856 (167.31248474121094MB) 
     92.44745449045176% used 
    PS Perm Generation 
     capacity = 21757952 (20.75MB) 
     used  = 2606752 (2.485992431640625MB) 
     free  = 19151200 (18.264007568359375MB) 
     11.980686417545181% used 
    [[email protected] allocation]$ 

2GB陣列被分配到老一代。 MaxHeapSize是4GB,是系統內存的1/4。爲什麼JVM爲堆預留4GB?
