2017-05-16 35 views



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     <div id="heading">Ms. Houck's Math Classes<br><br><br><br></h1> 
    Welcome students! Please use the navigation bar at the top of the page to access what you need. You can also access the homework and schedule by clicking the links below. <br> 
    <br><a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Py9kSEH-vaubUM_r_oZ4lwf4pZn6TX2FXH8_-O7gLDw/edit" class="button">Homework</a> 
    <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-nZ04EpMx69QUFETFlJU213bEU" class="button">Homework Answers</a> 



'position:center'?你從哪裏得到這個信息? – melancia



'已被長期棄用。 – melancia


請更清楚,並提出一些關於當前問題和你想要實現的圖片 –



@font-face { 
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      <li><a href="#"> Home </a></li> 
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      <li><a href="#"> Calendar </a></li> 

<div class="center"><h1>Ms. Houck's Math Classes</h1></div><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> 
    Welcome students! Please use the navigation bar at the top of the page to access what you need. You can also access the homework and 
    schedule by clicking the links below. 
<div class="center"> 
<a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Py9kSEH-vaubUM_r_oZ4lwf4pZn6TX2FXH8_-O7gLDw/edit" class="button">Homework</a> 
    <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-nZ04EpMx69QUFETFlJU213bEU" class="button">Homework Answers</a></div>

  1. 您的按鈕不居中。他們在<p>的代碼。
  2. 如果要居中他們 - 讓與之對齊的標籤其他塊
  3. <center>標籤已經過時,不應使用此

你打算解釋一下你的答案嗎,還是你想要每個人都玩一個差異化的遊戲? – j08691




.center { 
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<div class="center"> 
    <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Py9kSEH-vaubUM_r_oZ4lwf4pZn6TX2FXH8_-O7gLDw/edit" class="button">Homework</a> 
    <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-nZ04EpMx69QUFETFlJU213bEU" class="button">Homework Answers</a> 


請考慮使用<div class="center">代替deprecated<center>標籤。


您可以在navigation ul(取出格)上使用flexbox和justify-content: center; 使用li a上的邊距來修改間距。

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    width: 1000px; 
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    <title>Ms. Houck's Math Class</title> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="HouckStyle1.css"> 


     <li><a href="#"> Home </a></li> 
     <li><a href="#"> Homework </a></li> 
     <li><a href="#"> HW Solutions </a></li> 
     <li><a href="#"> Documents </a></li> 
     <li><a href="#"> Calendar </a></li> 
     <div id="heading">Ms. Houck's Math Classes<br><br><br><br></h1> 
    Welcome students! Please use the navigation bar at the top of the page to access what you need. You can also access the homework and schedule by clicking the links below. <br> 
    <br><a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Py9kSEH-vaubUM_r_oZ4lwf4pZn6TX2FXH8_-O7gLDw/edit" class="button">Homework</a> 
    <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-nZ04EpMx69QUFETFlJU213bEU" class="button">Homework Answers</a> 


