2013-03-03 58 views


Inductive Expr : Set := 
    | eLambda (x:TermVar) (e:Expr) 
    | eVar  (x:TermVar) 
    | eAscribe (e:Expr) (t:IFType) 
    | ePlus (e1:Expr) (e2:Expr) 

    | ... many other forms ... 

with DType : Set := 
    | tArrow (x:TermVar) (t:DType) (c:Constraint) (t':DType) 
    | tInt 

    | ... many other forms ... 

with Constraint : Set := 
    | cEq (e1:Expr) (e2:Expr) 
    | ... 


Fixpoint doExpr (e:Expr) := match e with 
    (* one or two Interesting cases *) 
    | ... 

    (* lots and lots of boring cases, 
    ** all of which just recurse on the subterms 
    ** and then combine the results in the same way 
    | .... 

with doIFType (t:IFType) := match t with 
    (* same structure as above *) 

with doConstraint (c:Constraint) := match c with 
    (* ditto *) 


Variable x:TermVar, v:Expr. 
Fixpoint substInExpr (e:Expr) : **Expr** := match e with 
    (* interesting cases *) 
    | eLambda y e' => 
     if x = y then eLambda y e' else eLambda y (substInExpr e') 
    | eVar y => 
     if x = y then v else y 

    (* boring cases *) 
    | eAscribe e' t => **eAscribe** (substInExpr e') (substInType t) 
    | ePlus e1 e2 => **ePlus** (substInExpr e1) (substInExpr e2) 
    | ... 

with substInType  (t:Type)  : **Type** := match t with ... 
with substInConstraint (c:Constraint) : **Constraint** := ... 


Fixpoint freeVars X:syntax := match X with 
    | syntaxExpr eVar x   => [x] 
    | syntaxExpr eLambda x e  => remove x (freeVars e) 
    | syntaxType tArrow x t1 c t2 => remove x (freeVars t1)++(freeVars c)++(freeVars t2) 
    | _   _  args  => fold (++) (map freeVars args) 

Variable x:TermVar, v:Expr. 
Fixpoint subst X:syntax := match X with 
    | syntaxExpr eVar y  => if y = x then v else eVar y 
    | syntaxExpr eLambda y e => eLambda y (if y = x then e else (subst e)) 
    | syntaxType tArrow ... 

    | _ cons args => cons (map subst args) 


很明顯,這個僞碼不起作用,因爲_ cases只是不正確。所以我的問題是,是否有可能編寫以這種方式組織的代碼,或者我註定要手動列出所有無聊的情況?


這似乎是相關的,雖然我沒有經歷過它的工作又那麼不能從經驗談:http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/html/Generic.html – t0yv0 2013-03-03 20:59:45


文件是自動生成的,但你可以在這裏看到定義:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3989078/aflang.v。我的問題改變了名字,以保護無辜 - DType是文件中的IFType。 – mdgeorge 2013-03-04 19:14:25






Definition phant (x : A) : Type := B. 

我想,工會功能有B型 - 「乙 - > B和你有B中的默認值,稱爲empty_B

Ltac generic_process f := 
    match goal with 
    |- context [phan (aaa _)] => (* assume aaa has arith 1 *) 
     intros val_of_aaa_component; exact process_this_value val_of_aaa_component 
    | |- intros val_in_A => (* This should be used when the next argument of the current 
          constructor is in type A, you want to process recursively 
          down this argument, using the function f. *) 
     apply (union (f val_in_A)); (* This clause will fail if val_in_A is not in type A *) 
            (* This leaves a goal in B to be solved. *) 
     generic_process f 
    | |- intros val_in_not_A => (* This should be used when the next argument of the current 
           constructor is not in type A, you want to ignore it *) 
     generic_process f 
    | |- _ => (* this rule should be used when intros fails, we have exhausted all arguments 
       to the current constructor. *) 
     exact empty_B 


Definition process_aaa (x : A) : phant x. 
fix. (* This adds process_add : forall x:A, phant x. in the context. *) 
intros x; case x; generic_process process_aaa. 

注意generic_process的定義只點名一個構造函數,AAA,所有其他 以系統的方式處理。我們使用類型信息來檢測我們想要執行遞歸下降的那些值子組件。如果你有幾個相互歸納的類型,你可以在generic_process函數中添加參數來指明哪個函數將用於每個類型,並且有更多的子句,每個類型的每個參數一個。




這個想法是將遞歸移出類型和評估器,反過來對它進行參數化,並將表達式值轉化爲摺疊。這在某些方面提供了便利,但在其他方面更加努力 - 這實際上是您花費最多時間的地方的問題。好的方面是評估者可以很容易編寫,而且你不必處理相互遞歸的定義。然而,其他方式更簡單的事情可能會以這種風格變成腦筋急轉彎。

Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect. 
Require Import Ssreflect.ssrbool. 
Require Import Ssreflect.eqtype. 
Require Import Ssreflect.seq. 
Require Import Ssreflect.ssrnat. 

Inductive ExprF (d : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) 
       (c : Type -> Type) (e : Type) : Type := 
    | eLambda (x:nat) (e':e) 
    | eVar  (x:nat) 
    | eAscribe (e':e) (t:d c e) 
    | ePlus (e1:e) (e2:e). 

Inductive DTypeF (c : Type -> Type) (e : Type) : Type := 
    | tArrow (x:nat) (t:e) (c':c e) (t':e) 
    | tInt. 

Inductive ConstraintF (e : Type) : Type := 
    | cEq (e1:e) (e2:e). 

Definition Mu (f : Type -> Type) := forall a, (f a -> a) -> a. 

Definition Constraint := Mu ConstraintF. 
Definition DType  := Mu (DTypeF ConstraintF). 
Definition Expr  := Mu (ExprF DTypeF ConstraintF). 

Definition substInExpr (x:nat) (v:Expr) (e':Expr) : Expr := fun a phi => 
    e' a (fun e => match e return a with 
    (* interesting cases *) 
    | eLambda y e' => 
     if (x == y) then e' else phi e 
    | eVar y => 
     if (x == y) then v _ phi else phi e 

    (* boring cases *) 
    | _ => phi e 

Definition varNum (x:ExprF DTypeF ConstraintF nat) : nat := 
    match x with 
    | eLambda _ e => e 
    | eVar y => y 
    | _ => 0 

Compute (substInExpr 2 (fun a psi => psi (eVar _ _ _ 3)) 
        (fun _ phi => 
         phi (eLambda _ _ _ 1 (phi (eVar _ _ _ 2))))) 
     nat varNum. 

Compute (substInExpr 1 (fun a psi => psi (eVar _ _ _ 3)) 
        (fun _ phi => 
         phi (eLambda _ _ _ 1 (phi (eVar _ _ _ 2))))) 
     nat varNum.