| id | event_id | repeat_value |
| 1 | 11 | *_*_* |
| 2 | 12 | *_*_2 |
| 3 | 13 | *_*_4/2 |
| 4 | 14 | 23_*_* |
| 5 | 15 | 30_05_* |
| id | name | start_date_time | end_date_time |
| 11 | Repeat daily | 2014-04-30 12:00:00 | 2014-04-30 12:15:00 |
| 12 | Repeat weekly | 2014-05-06 12:00:00 | 2014-05-06 13:00:00 |
| 13 | Repeat every two weeks | 2014-05-08 12:45:00 | 2014-05-08 13:45:00 |
| 14 | Repeat monthly | 2014-05-23 15:15:00 | 2014-05-23 16:00:00 |
| 15 | Repeat yearly | 2014-05-30 07:30:00 | 2014-05-30 10:15:00 |
FROM RepeatEvent
JOIN `Event`
ON `Event`.`id` = `RepeatEvent`.`event_id`
Th at產生:
| id | event_id | repeat_value | id | name | start_date_time | end_date_time |
| 1 | 11 | *_*_* | 11 | Repeat daily | 2014-04-30 12:00:00 | 2014-04-30 12:15:00 |
| 2 | 12 | *_*_2 | 12 | Repeat weekly | 2014-05-06 12:00:00 | 2014-05-06 13:00:00 |
| 3 | 13 | *_*_4/2 | 13 | Repeat every two weeks | 2014-05-08 12:45:00 | 2014-05-08 13:45:00 |
| 4 | 14 | 23_*_* | 14 | Repeat monthly | 2014-05-23 15:15:00 | 2014-05-23 16:00:00 |
| 5 | 15 | 30_05_* | 15 | Repeat yearly | 2014-05-30 07:30:00 | 2014-05-30 10:15:00 |
但是,我想選擇一個月內的事件。我只會有一些條件:每日,每週,每兩週,每月和每年。 我想在我的where子句中分割重複值的字符串,並且如果它符合以下任何條件以將其顯示爲結果(repeatEvent是正在被詢問的行,搜索是要查找的日期):
array(3) = string_divide(repeat_value, '_')
daily = array(0)
monthy = array(1)
dayOfWeek = array(2)
if(daily == '*' && month == '*' && dayOfWeek == '*') //returns all the daily events as they will happen
return repeatEvent
if(if(daily == '*' && month == '*' && dayOfWeek == search.dayOfWeek) //returns all the events on specific day
return repeatEvent
if(daily == search.date && month == '*' && dayOfWeek == '*') //returns all the daily events as they will happen
return repeatEvent
if (contains(dayOfWeek, '/'))
array(2) = string_divide(dayOfWeek,'/')
specificDayOfWeek = array(0);
if(specificDayOfWeek == repeatEvent.start_date.dayNumber)
if(timestampOf(search.timestamp)-timestampOf(repeatEvent.start_date)/604800 == (0 OR EVEN)
return repeatEvent
if(daily == search.date && month == search.month && dayOfWeek == '*') //returns a single yearly event (shouldn't often crop up)
return repeatEvent
//everything else is either an unknown format of repeat_value or not an event on this day
| event_id | repeat_value | id | name | start_date_time | end_date_time |
| 11 | *_*_* | 11 | Repeat daily | 2014-04-30 12:00:00 | 2014-04-30 12:15:00 |
| event_id | repeat_value | id | name | start_date_time | end_date_time |
| 11 | *_*_* | 11 | Repeat daily | 2014-04-30 12:00:00 | 2014-04-30 12:15:00 |
| 12 | *_*_2 | 12 | Repeat weekly | 2014-05-06 12:00:00 | 2014-05-06 13:00:00 |
| 13 | *_*_4/2 | 13 | Repeat every two weeks | 2014-05-08 12:45:00 | 2014-05-08 13:45:00 |
| 14 | 23_*_* | 14 | Repeat monthly | 2014-05-23 15:15:00 | 2014-05-23 16:00:00 |
| 15 | 30_05_* | 15 | Repeat yearly | 2014-05-30 07:30:00 | 2014-05-30 10:15:00 |
| event_id | repeat_value | id | name | start_date_time | end_date_time |
| 11 | *_*_* | 11 | Repeat daily | 2014-04-30 12:00:00 | 2014-04-30 12:15:00 |
| 12 | *_*_2 | 12 | Repeat weekly | 2014-05-06 12:00:00 | 2014-05-06 13:00:00 |
| 13 | *_*_4/2 | 13 | Repeat every two weeks | 2014-05-08 12:45:00 | 2014-05-08 13:45:00 |
| 14 | 23_*_* | 14 | Repeat monthly | 2014-05-23 15:15:00 | 2014-05-23 16:00:00 |
你能提供你想要的樣本結果嗎? –
在問題中加入了我想看到的內容 – bubblebath
@bubblebath爲什麼你會在6月份看到任何輸出,因爲start_date_time和end_date_time間隔不包括任何事件的June? –