2015-09-25 68 views

我有一個任務,用人類玩家和AI玩家編寫NIM遊戲。這場比賽是玩「Misere」(最後一個必須拿一根棍子輸掉)。人工智能應該是使用Minimax算法,但它的動作讓它失去更快,我不知道爲什麼。現在我已經死了好幾天了。 Minimax算法的要點是不會丟失,如果它處於失敗位置,則會延遲儘可能多的移動,對吧?NIM遊戲和使用Minimax算法的人工智能玩家 - AI讓人失去移動



  • 34 =二進制編碼棍棒的位置,2樁2根
  • 2 =


Row 0: ** 
Row 1: ** 



Row 0: * 
Row 1: ** 


public class Minimax 

    public Move nextMove; 

    public int evaluateComputerMove(NIMBoard board, int depth) 
     int maxValue = -2; 
     int calculated; 
      return -1; 
     for(Move n : this.generateSuccessors(board)) 
      NIMBoard newBoard = new NIMBoard(board.getPos(), board.getNumPiles()); 
      calculated = this.evaluateHumanMove(newBoard, depth + 1); 
      if(calculated > maxValue) 
       maxValue = calculated; 
       if(depth == 0) 
        System.out.println("Setting next move"); 
        this.nextMove = n; 


     if(maxValue == -2) 
      return 0; 
     return maxValue; 

    public int evaluateHumanMove(NIMBoard board, int depth) 
     int minValue = 2; 
     int calculated; 
      return 1; 
     for(Move n : this.generateSuccessors(board)) 
      NIMBoard newBoard = new NIMBoard(board.getPos(), board.getNumPiles()); 
      calculated = this.evaluateComputerMove(newBoard, depth + 1); 
      // minValue = Integer.min(this.evaluateComputerMove(newBoard, depth + 1), minValue); 
      if(calculated < minValue) 
       minValue = calculated; 
     if(minValue == 2) 
      return 0; 

     return minValue; 

    public ArrayList<Move> generateSuccessors(NIMBoard start) 
     ArrayList<Move> successors = new ArrayList<Move>(); 
     for(int i = start.getNumPiles() - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
      for(long j = start.getCountForPile(i); j > 0; j--) 
       Move newMove = new Move(i, j); 

     return successors; 

public class NIMBoard 
    * We use 4 bits to store the number of sticks which gives us these 
    * maximums: 
    * - 16 piles 
    * - 15 sticks per pile 
    private static int PILE_BIT_SIZE = 4; 
    private long pos; 
    private int numPiles; 
    private long pileMask; 

    * Instantiate a new NIM board 
    * @param pos Number of sticks in each pile 
    * @param numPiles Number of piles 
    public NIMBoard(long pos, int numPiles) 
     this.pos  = pos; 
     this.numPiles = numPiles; 

     this.pileMask = (long) Math.pow(2, NIMBoard.PILE_BIT_SIZE) - 1; 

    * Is this an endgame board? 
    * @return true if there's only one stick left 
    public boolean isFinal() 
     return this.onePileHasOnlyOneStick(); 

    * Figure out if the board has a pile with only one stick in it 
    * @return true if yes 
    public boolean onePileHasOnlyOneStick() 
     int count = 0; 

     for(int i = 0; i < this.numPiles; i++) 
      count += this.getCountForPile(i); 

     if(count > 1) 
      return false; 

     return true; 

    public int getNumPiles() 
     return this.numPiles; 

    public long getPos() 
     return this.pos; 

    public long getCountInPile(int pile) 
     return this.pos & (this.pileMask << (pile * NIMBoard.PILE_BIT_SIZE)); 

    public long getCountForPile(int pile) 
     return this.getCountInPile(pile) >> (pile * NIMBoard.PILE_BIT_SIZE); 

    public void parseMove(Move move) 
     this.pos = this.pos - (move.getCount() << (move.getPile() * NIMBoard.PILE_BIT_SIZE)); 

    public String toString() 
     String tmp = ""; 
     for(int i = 0; i < this.numPiles; i++) 
      tmp += "Row " + i + "\t"; 
      for(int j = 0; j < this.getCountForPile(i); j++) 
       tmp += "*"; 
      tmp += System.lineSeparator(); 

     return tmp.trim(); 


很抱歉的壞格式化,我似乎已經打破堆棧溢出解析器: - \ 下面是我用導出AI玩家的下一步行動: '極小極小=新極小();' 換行符 ' int result = minimax.evaluateComputerMove(board,0);' newline 'return minimax.nextMove;' – RedShift


您確定在人類儘可能好的時候從空中角度挑選最大值的最大值移動,也就是讓另一個玩家進入的最壞位置,而不是最小值,這可能是最糟糕的舉動嗎? – Davislor


我這麼認爲,你是說'if(calculated> maxValue)'是不夠的,我需要比較其他東西或比較更多? – RedShift






該算法的思想不是將狀態ID分配給當前狀態,等於最小狀態ID,它不會覆蓋任何可能結束狀態的狀態ID。如果您可以進行移動並且達到ID爲0,1和3的狀態,那麼當前狀態應該具有狀態ID 2. 任何丟失狀態都應該具有ID 0.

如果您的當前狀態具有狀態ID 0,不管你做什麼動作。否則,你可以找到一個移動,將棋盤移動到ID爲0的狀態,這意味着其他玩家將失去。