假設我有一個數據結構如下圖所示:openssl ssl加密
/-----------------------------------------------------\ | my_header | PAYLOAD | \-----------------------------------------------------/ | | \/ \/ not encrypted encrypted I think the proper algorithm would be like this : SEND: build my_header with my own header. encrypt PAYLOAD with encryption function attach my_header and PAYLOAD (encrypted) to one buffer send it using common POSIX function just like send or sendto RECV: using common POSIX function just like recv or recvfrom. extract my_header and PAYLOAD(encrypted) decrypt PAYLOAD with decryption function at last i got my_header and PAYLOAD(decrypted).
也許,在apropriate問題是,什麼是可用於加密/ OpenSSL中解密有效載荷的加密和解密功能?
你能告訴我們在頭和有效載荷之間存在什麼樣的邏輯連接?他們真的需要在同一個框架中嗎?標題是否需要加密?這可能會有所幫助。 – ereOn 2010-03-30 06:47:15
嗯,我只想知道,如果我們面臨這樣的問題會怎麼樣。我相信openssl可以做這樣的事情。 – deddihp 2010-03-30 14:00:17