我使用下面的代碼:如何gnuplot - 在png終端中重新繪製兩個不同的等式?
set terminal png enhanced font arial 14 size 800,600
set key outside horizontal left
f(x) = a*x**b
b = 1
a = 10000
fit f(x) 'a.txt' via a,b
plot 'a.txt' with dots lc rgb"red" title ' ', \
f(x) with lines lc rgb"red" title sprintf('Curve Equation: f(x) = %.2f·x^{%.2f}', a, b)
f1(x) = c*exp(d*x)
d = -1
c = 10000
fit f1(x) 'b.txt' via c,d
plot 'b.txt' with dots lc rgb"red" title ' ', \
f1(x) with lines lc rgb"blue" title sprintf('Curve Equation: f1(x) = %.2f·e^{-.%.2f.x}', c, d)
unset output
exit gnuplot;
**選項:2 **是一個更好的辦法,是有益的。 – BioDeveloper 2014-09-11 10:55:27
我添加了一個類似於2的第三個選項,但允許您在開始時設置最終的終端。 – Christoph 2014-09-11 11:08:50