這是我從http://www.catonmat.net/blog/on-functors/複製的函子代碼。函子與在C++中的std ::的for_each
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
class EvenOddFunctor {
int even_;
int odd_;
EvenOddFunctor() : even_(0), odd_(0) {}
void operator()(int x) {
if (x%2 == 0) even_ += x;
else odd_ += x;
int even_sum() const { return even_; }
int odd_sum() const { return odd_; }
int main() {
EvenOddFunctor evenodd;
int my_list[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
// ??? why assign
evenodd = std::for_each(my_list,
evenodd); // ???
std::cout << "Sum of evens: " << evenodd.even_sum() << "\n";
std::cout << "Sum of odds: " << evenodd.odd_sum() << std::endl;
// output:
// Sum of evens: 30
// Sum of odds: 25
爲什麼我們需要在evenodd = std::for_each(my_list,
對象?我認爲,因爲evenodd對象是從std :: for_each更新的,所以我不需要賦值操作,但是如果沒有此賦值,結果將顯示0.