import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ode import rk4_step
def derivs(t, starting_values):
d0dt = starting_values[1]
d20dt2 = g/l * starting_values[0] - starting_values[3] * \
starting_values[1] + starting_values[4] * np.sin(starting_values[5] * t)
dqdt = 0.
dFdt = 0.
dldt = 0.
d_Omega_dt = 0. # defining these for later use in RK4
derivatives = np.array([d0dt, d20dt2, dqdt, dFdt, dldt, d_Omega_dt])
return derivatives
qs = [0.1, 1.0, 1.6] #Pick arbitrary q-values to run through
for i in qs:
theta_0 = 10. #initial values, chosen at random
theta_v0 = 10.
l = 1.
Omega_D = np.linspace(0.5, 5, 100)
F_D = .3
for x in Omega_D:
starting_values = [theta_0, theta_v0, l, i, F_D, x]
solution = np.copy(starting_values)
last_values = np.zeros(solution.size)
dt = .01
g = -9.8
t = 0.
Amp = 0.
starttime = 150.
while Amp == 0. : #Amp==0 because it never actually WILL be zero.
#So, the while loop to find amplitude only needs to run \
#until a nonzero amp is found
two_values_ago = np.copy(last_values)
last_values = np.copy(solution)
t = t + dt
solution = rk4_step(solution, derivs, t, dt) #take a step
if solution[1] == 0 and t > starttime: #if somehow we hit v=0 exactly
Amp == np.abs(solution[0])
print Amp
#This if statement interpolates to find the amp at the point where v=0
if solution[1] * last_values[1] < 0 and t > starttime:
fit_vs = np.array([two_values_ago[1], last_values[1]])
fit_xs = np.array([two_values_ago[0], last_values[0]])
v_interp = 0.
Amp = np.abs(np.interp(v_interp, fit_vs, fit_xs))
w = np.sqrt(-g/l) # This is the natural frequency
#Calculate the analytic soln
exact_solution = F_D/np.sqrt((w**2 - Omega_D**2)**2 + (i * Omega_D)**2)
#plot num and exact solns together
plt.plot(Omega_D, exact_solution)
plt.plot(Omega_D, Amp)
plt.title('q = ')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (radians)')
plt.xlabel('$\Omega_{D}$ (rad/s)')
print Amp
非常感謝!對於剛剛開始編程的人來說,這是一個很好的解釋。我很感激。 – Allison 2015-03-07 17:40:15