2016-11-16 31 views

我想爲elasticsearch/kibana安裝sense插件。 我已經成功地安裝Kibana但https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/sense/current/installing.html 後的指令,當我鍵入: ./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense,在kibana文件夾內的bin目錄中,我也得到:無法安裝感知插件Kibana

ERROR unknown command plugin 

    Usage: bin/kibana [command=serve] [options] 

    Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch. 

    serve [options] Run the kibana server 
    help <command> Get the help for a specific command 

    "serve" Options: 

    -h, --help     output usage information 
    -e, --elasticsearch <uri> Elasticsearch instance 
    -c, --config <path>  Path to the config file, can be changed with the CONFIG_PATH environment variable as well. Use mulitple --config args to include multiple config files. 
    -p, --port <port>   The port to bind to 
    -q, --quiet    Prevent all logging except errors 
    -Q, --silent    Prevent all logging 
    --verbose     Turns on verbose logging 
    -H, --host <host>   The host to bind to 
    -l, --log-file <path>  The file to log to 
    --plugin-dir <path>  A path to scan for plugins, this can be specified multiple times to specify multiple directories 
    --plugin-path <path>  A path to a plugin which should be included by the server, this can be specified multiple times to specify multiple paths 
    --plugins <path>   an alias for --plugin-dir 



您缺少'-',它是'。/ kibana-plugin'參見:https://www.elastic.co/guide /en/kibana/current/_installing_plugins.html –





我收到錯誤:由於錯誤「未指定有效的網址」,插件安裝失敗。你能給我一個vlid網址嗎? – niaomingjian


試試這個:'bin/kibana-plugin -i sense -u C:\ Path \ sense-2.0.0-beta7.tar.gz' - '$ bin/kibana plugin -i sense -u file:/// PATH_TO_SENSE_TAR_FILE' – kogoia


感更名爲控制檯,並內置Kibana 5.您可以通過點擊開發工具應用程序找到它。


你能否給我們描述改變的在線鏈接?點擊開發工具後,默認沒有任何東西。 – niaomingjian


我不知道爲什麼elasticsearch在Sense的安裝頁面上沒有提到它。 –


由於wuxiwei表示,Sense更名爲控制檯,並已在Kibana 5上提供*。在Kibana,只需點擊開發工具

enter image description here


謝謝!開車讓我瘋了:D – JREAM