2015-05-28 87 views


function combination($array, $str = '') 
    $current = array_shift($array); 
    if(count($array) > 0) { 
     foreach($current as $element) 

      combination($array, $str.$element); 

     foreach($current as $element) 
     echo '<br>'.$str.$element; 


$array = array(
       array(' A1', ' A2', ' A3', ' A4'), 
       array(' B1', ' B2', ' B3', ' B4'), 
       array(' C1',' C2')); 


A1 B1 C1 
A1 B1 C2 
A1 B2 C1 
A1 B2 C2 
A1 B3 C1 
A1 B3 C2 
A1 B4 C1 
A1 B4 C2 
A2 B1 C1 
A2 B1 C2 
A2 B2 C1 
A2 B2 C2 
A2 B3 C1 
A2 B3 C2 
A2 B4 C1 
A2 B4 C2 
A3 B1 C1 
A3 B1 C2 
A3 B2 C1 

EXPECTED: In this i want only to display first 10 combinations. 



什麼是預期輸出? –


好的我會在我的代碼中加入 – User11


請你幫我提供一個解決方案 – User11



這是最適合您的最佳解決方案。試試吧: -

global $i; 
$i = 1; // define a global variable with value 1 
function combination($array, $str = '') 
    global $i; 
    $current = array_shift($array); 
    if(count($array) > 0 && $i <=10) { // check that value is less or equal to 10 if yes then execute otherwise exit 

     foreach($current as $element) 
      combination($array, $str.$element); 
    if(count($array) <= 0 && $i <=10){ //again check if value is less or equal to 10 then execute otherwise exit 

     foreach($current as $element) 
      echo '<br>'.$str.$element; 
      $i++; // increase the value of global variable while iteration. 


$array = array(array(' A1', ' A2', ' A3', ' A4'),array(' B1', ' B2', ' B3', ' B4'),array(' C1',' C2')); 

輸出: - http://prntscr.com/7abrrx

注: - 請檢查並告訴工作或沒有?