2015-05-14 44 views

下面的方法在ios Iphone 5,Mac,PC和網絡上運行良好,但在Android上有大幅放緩。這是統一的5 c#。此代碼在Android上遇到障礙,任何想法爲什麼?

using UnityEngine; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 
using System.Collections; 
using OpenCVForUnity; 

public class MouthDetect : MonoBehaviour 

    private WebCamTexture _webCamTexture; 
    private Color32[] _colors; 
    public bool isFrontFacing = true; 
    public int webCamTextureWidth = 640; 
    public int webCamTextureHeight = 480; 
    public int webCamTextureFPS = 10; 
    private string _firstCam; // For debuging with no front facing camera. 
    private Mat _rgbaMat; 
    private Mat _grayMat; 
    private Mat _mouthMATGray; 
    private Mat _mouthMATRGBA; 
    private Texture2D _texture; 
    private CascadeClassifier _cascadeFace; 
    private CascadeClassifier _cascadeMouth; 
    private MatOfRect _faces; 
    private MatOfRect _mouths; 
    private bool _initDone = false; 
    private OpenCVForUnity.Rect _mouthROI = new OpenCVForUnity.Rect(); 

    // Chew detection 
    private UnityEngine.Rect _rectMouth; 
    private int _mouthWidth; // 
    private int _mouthHeight; 
    private double _totalBright = new double(); // Total brightness inside the mouth 
    private double _lastBright = 0; // The last extreme value of open or closed. 
    private Texture2D _textMouth; 
    private bool _mouthIsOpenBoolean = false; // Is the mouth open? boolean 
    public double mouthChangeDiff = 0.2; // The difference between brightness before a mout is opened or closed. Smaller detects more chews but can be prone to false chews. 
    public int mouthDetectPixelCount = 10; // How many pixels should we use for detection? 
    private bool _mouthFound = false; 
    private bool _faceFound = false; 

    // Debug logic 
    private GameObject _previewToggle; 
    private GameObject _previewScreen; 
    private Image _previewImage; 
    private FaceDetPreview _previewScript; 
    private bool _debugPreviewOn = false; 
    private Sprite _webCamSprite; 
    private string _cameraInf = ""; 
    private GameObject _cameraList; 
    private DebugCameras _cameraListScript; 
    private string _selectedCamera = ""; 

    // Create an array of OpenCV rectangles from the array of faces. Andy 
    OpenCVForUnity.Rect[] rects; 
    // Create an array of OpenCV rectangles from the array of mouths. 
    OpenCVForUnity.Rect[] rectsM; 

    // Detection logic 
    public int logicSolution = 1; // Which solution are we using? 0 = brightness, 1 = find/lose mouth. 
    private bool _capturingFace = false; 

    public bool mouthIsOpenBoolean { 
     get { return _mouthIsOpenBoolean; } 
     set { 
      // Make sure we've changed. 
      if (_mouthIsOpenBoolean==value) 

      _mouthIsOpenBoolean = value; 

      // Add a chew if we've changed to false 
      if (value == false) { 
       GameObject chewText = GameObject.Find ("Chews"); 
       Chewing chewing = chewText.GetComponent<Chewing>(); 

    // Use this for initialization 
    void Start() 
     // Get the debug preview toggle and image 
     _previewToggle = GameObject.Find ("FacePreviewToggle"); 
     _previewScript = _previewToggle.GetComponent<FaceDetPreview>(); 
     _previewScreen = GameObject.Find ("FacePreview"); 
     _previewImage = _previewScreen.GetComponent<Image>(); 
     _cameraList = GameObject.Find ("Cameras"); 
      _cameraListScript = _cameraList.GetComponent<DebugCameras>(); 

     // Setup camera and texture 
     StartCoroutine (init()); 

    private IEnumerator init() 
     // Have we already initialised? Restart if we have. 
     if (_webCamTexture != null) { 
      _initDone = false; 


     // Checks how many and which cameras are available on the device 
     _cameraInf = "Cameras=" + WebCamTexture.devices.Length.ToString(); 
     for (int cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < WebCamTexture.devices.Length; cameraIndex++) { 
      // Debug information 
      AddToDebug("Camera " + cameraIndex.ToString() + " - " + WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].name + 
         " - Front:" + WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].isFrontFacing); 

      // We want to be using the correct camera, make sure it's front facing 
      if (WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].isFrontFacing == isFrontFacing) { 
       // Tell us which camera we're using 
       Debug.Log (cameraIndex + " name " + WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].name + " isFrontFacing " + WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].isFrontFacing); 

       // Set the camera texture 
       _webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture (WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].name, webCamTextureWidth, webCamTextureHeight); 
      else { 

       // We only want the first one 
       if (_firstCam=="") { 
        _firstCam=WebCamTexture.devices [cameraIndex].name; 


     // Did we find a camera? 
     if (_webCamTexture == null) { 
      // If we're in unity this is ok... 
      #if UNITY_EDITOR 
      // Just create a new camera 
      _webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture (_firstCam, webCamTextureWidth, webCamTextureHeight); 

      // ****** We need a stop here!!!!!! *************************************************************************** 
      // TODO: The device has no forward facing camera 
      // We can't chew without a front facing camera!!! 

     // Debug... 
     AddToDebug ("Selected Camera: " + _webCamTexture.deviceName); 

     // How many fps do we want?? We need to control the performance. Although, this request is usually ignored! :/ 
     _webCamTexture.requestedFPS = webCamTextureFPS; 

     // Start the camera 

     while (true) { 
      //If you want to use webcamTexture.width and webcamTexture.height on iOS, you have to wait until webcamTexture.didUpdateThisFrame == 1, otherwise these two values will be equal to 16. (http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/webcamtexture-and-error-0x0502.123922/) 
      if (_webCamTexture.width > 16 && _webCamTexture.height > 16) { 
       // Create a new colour and matrices 
       _colors = new Color32[_webCamTexture.width * _webCamTexture.height]; 
       _rgbaMat = new Mat (_webCamTexture.height, _webCamTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC4); 
       _grayMat = new Mat (_webCamTexture.height, _webCamTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC1); 
       _mouthMATRGBA = new Mat (_webCamTexture.height, _webCamTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC4); 
       _mouthMATGray = new Mat (_webCamTexture.height, _webCamTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC1); 
       _texture = new Texture2D (_webCamTexture.width, _webCamTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); 
       _textMouth = new Texture2D (_webCamTexture.width, _webCamTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); 

       // Set the rotation 
       //    gameObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); 

       // For Android and iPhone the rotation needs to change to correct the z axis 
        gameObject.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, -90); 
       // I'm not sure why this was removed in the sample, I'll leave it out until I figure out what it's ueseful for, 
       // It looks like the developer is trying to dynamically correct rotated webcams. 
       // gameObject.transform.rotation = gameObject.transform.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis (_webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle, Vector3.back); 

       // It looks like we were dynamically fixing scale???? Why is the dev removing this??? I may re-introduce it. 
       /* bool videoVerticallyMirrored = _webCamTexture.videoVerticallyMirrored; 
        float scaleX = 1; 
        float scaleY = videoVerticallyMirrored ? -1.0f : 1.0f; 
        if (_webCamTexture.videoRotationAngle == 270) 
         scaleY = -1.0f; 
        gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (scaleX * gameObject.transform.localScale.x, scaleY * gameObject.transform.localScale.y, 1); 

       // Create the new classifiers - TODO we have some work to do with this path to make it work with Android and iPhone... 
       _cascadeFace = new CascadeClassifier (Utils.getFilePath ("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")); 
       _cascadeMouth = new CascadeClassifier (Utils.getFilePath ("haarcascade_mouth.xml")); 

       // Create a matrix of faces (we'll load it at some point???....) 
       _faces = new MatOfRect(); 
       _mouths = new MatOfRect(); 

       // Set the camera ortho size, don't this this will work with the frog camera. 
       Camera.main.orthographicSize = _webCamTexture.width/2; 

       // We're initilised 
       _initDone = true; 

      else { 
       // Come back and try again, we're not ready yet. 
       yield return 0; 

    // Update is called once per frame 
    void Update() 
     // Make sure we've initialised. 
     if ((_initDone) && (!_capturingFace)) { 
      StartCoroutine ("CaptureFace"); 

    private IEnumerator CaptureFace() { 
     _capturingFace = true; 

     // Make sure that the texture has been correctly formated, if not we'll have to come back later. 
     if (_webCamTexture.width > 16 && _webCamTexture.height > 16) { 

      // Pass the web cam texture to a OpenCV matrix 
      Utils.webCamTextureToMat (_webCamTexture, _rgbaMat, _colors); 

      // iPhones buggering about with mirroring again... 
      // Flip if neccessary 
      if (_webCamTexture.videoVerticallyMirrored){ 
        Core.flip (_rgbaMat, _rgbaMat, 1); 
        Core.flip (_rgbaMat, _rgbaMat, 0); 
        Core.flip (_rgbaMat, _rgbaMat, -1); 

      // Convert the rgb web texture matrix to gray 
      Imgproc.cvtColor (_rgbaMat, _grayMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY); 

      // Adjust the contrast - this can impact performance, try without for faster performance 
      Imgproc.equalizeHist (_grayMat, _grayMat); 

      // Set the cascade to detect different sized targets 
      if (_cascadeFace != null) 
       _cascadeFace.detectMultiScale (_grayMat, _faces, 1.1, 2, 2, // TODO: objdetect.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE 
               new Size (_webCamTexture.width * 0.15, _webCamTexture.width * 0.15), new Size()); 

      // Create an array of OpenCV rectangles from the array of faces. 
      rects = _faces.toArray(); 

      // Find a mouth in each face each face. 
      _faceFound = false; 
      for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++) { 

       // We found a face 
       _faceFound = true; 

       // For debugging, show us where the face is. 
       Core.rectangle (
        new Point (rects [i].x ,rects [i].y), 
        new Point (rects [i].x + rects [i].width, rects [i].y + rects [i].height), 
        new Scalar (0, 255, 0, 255), 

       // Create a rectangle around the region of the face we're interested in 
       // Keep it inside the face box, otherwise we get errors when we're at the edge of the screen 
       /*    OpenCVForUnity.Rect _mouthROI = new OpenCVForUnity.Rect(
        (int)rects [i].x, 
        (int)rects [i].y + (rects [i].height/2), 
        (int)rects [i].width, 
        (int)(rects [i].height- (rects [i].height/2))); 
*/    OpenCVForUnity.Rect _mouthROI = new OpenCVForUnity.Rect(   // IMPROVED SENSITIVITY!!!! 
                      (int)rects [i].x, 
                      (int)rects [i].y + ((rects [i].height/3) * 2), 
                      (int)rects [i].width, 
                      (int)(rects [i].height - ((rects [i].height/3) * 2))); 

       // Create a new matrix using the ROI 
       _mouthMATGray = _grayMat.submat(_mouthROI); 
       _mouthMATRGBA = _rgbaMat.submat(_mouthROI); 

       // Detect the mouth (we're only going to use the first mouth captured 
       // Set the cascade to detect different sized targets 
       if (_cascadeMouth != null) 
        _cascadeMouth.detectMultiScale (_mouthMATGray, _mouths, 1.1, 2, 2, // TODO: objdetect.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE 
                new Size (_webCamTexture.width * 0.04, _webCamTexture.width * 0.04), new Size()); 
       // Create an array of OpenCV rectangles from the array of mouths. 
       rectsM = _mouths.toArray(); 

       // Put a rectangle around the first mouth on each face 
       _mouthFound = false; 
       for (int j = 0; j < rectsM.Length; j++) { 
        // Set the mouth box and make sure that the x and y are correct (remember, these co-ords are inside the ROI) 
        _rectMouth = new UnityEngine.Rect(
         rectsM[j].x + _mouthROI.x, 
         _webCamTexture.height - _mouthROI.y - rectsM[j].y - rectsM[j].height, 

        // We've found a mouth! 
        _mouthFound = true; 

        Core.rectangle (
         new Point (rectsM [j].x + _mouthROI.x,rectsM [j].y + _mouthROI.y), 
         new Point (rectsM [j].x + rectsM [j].width + _mouthROI.x, rectsM [j].y + rectsM [j].height + _mouthROI.y), 
         new Scalar (0, 0, 255, 255), 

      // Add the output to the asssigned texture! 
      Utils.matToTexture2D (_rgbaMat, _texture, _colors); 

      // Are we debugging? 
      _debugPreviewOn = _previewScript.isToggled; 
      if (_debugPreviewOn) { 
       _webCamSprite = Sprite.Create(
        new UnityEngine.Rect(
        new Vector2(0,0)); 
       _previewImage.sprite = _webCamSprite; 

      //Debug.Log("Face:" + _faceFound.ToString() + " Mouth:" + _mouthFound.ToString()); 

      // Which version are we using?? The fact that we have a mouth with satisfy the "find/lose mouth" method 
      if (logicSolution==1) { 
       // We're setting the oposite of mouth found (ie, if we've found the mouth it's closed 
       mouthIsOpenBoolean = !_mouthFound; 

      // Only continue for solution 0 and we have a mouth. 
      if ((logicSolution==0) && (_mouthFound==true)) { 
       Debug.Log("We shouldn't see this"); 

       // How high and wide are the mouth 
       _mouthWidth = (int)_rectMouth.width; 
       _mouthHeight = (int)_rectMouth.height; 

       // Create the mouth texture 
       Color[] pixels = _texture.GetPixels(
       _textMouth.Resize(_mouthWidth, _mouthHeight); 

       // Work out detection pixels 
       int mouthCentre = _mouthWidth/2; 
       _totalBright = 0; 
       int mouthGap = _mouthHeight/mouthDetectPixelCount; 
       UnityEngine.Rect rectShapePreview = 
        new UnityEngine.Rect((float)mouthCentre - 1, (float)mouthGap,3, (float)mouthGap*(float)mouthDetectPixelCount); 

       // Work out the gap between the pixels 
       for (int i = 1; i <= mouthDetectPixelCount; i++) 
        // Work out the total brightness 
        int pixelY = mouthGap * i; 
        _totalBright += Brightness(_textMouth.GetPixel(mouthCentre, pixelY)); 

       // Have we opened or closed. 
       // Rules will be (for boolean): 
       // 1. The initial change will be 2 tenths in eather direction (double mouthChangeDiff) to change open or closed. 
       //  Smaller = Open, Bigger = Closed. 
       // 2. Record the current number into _lastBright (double) and start closed (bool - false) in mouthIsOpenBoolean 
       // 3. If the number gets bigger keep updating the _lastBright variable to make note of the "close" brightness. 
       // 4. If the number gets smaller measure it, if it's more then 2/10s (or what ever the variable is we're now open: 
       //  change the bool to true and record the number. 
       //  If it's less just leave it, this will help us if we capture the mouth when it's mid open or mid close. 
       // 5. If we've moved to closed do stops to to 4 but in the oposite direction 
       // Rules will be (for integer) 
       // 1. Use boolean logic but the change diff maximimum is 100 (open - oposite to boolean :S) and minimum is 0 (closed); 
       // 2. Use the increment to tie the setting to the nearest increment. 

       // Record the current number into _lastBright if this is the first capture 
       if (_lastBright == 0) { 
        _lastBright = _totalBright; 
       else { 
        //Get the difference 
        double diff = new double(); 
        diff = _lastBright - _totalBright; 

        // We need a positive diff too 
        double posDiff = diff; 
        if (posDiff < 0) {posDiff = -posDiff;} 

        // Have we gone more open or more closed? 
        if (((_lastBright > _totalBright) && (mouthIsOpenBoolean)) || 
         ((_lastBright < _totalBright) && (!mouthIsOpenBoolean))) { 

         // We're going further in the same direction, log the last brighness 
         _lastBright = _totalBright; 
        else { 
         // We've changed direction. If it is more than the diff level set??? 
         if (posDiff > mouthChangeDiff) { 
          // We've changed direction! 
          if (mouthIsOpenBoolean) { 
           mouthIsOpenBoolean = false; 
          else { 
           mouthIsOpenBoolean = true; 

          // Set the new last brightness 
          _lastBright = _totalBright; 

     yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.1f);  // Massive performance boost. 
     _capturingFace = false; 
     yield return null; 

    void OnDisable() 
     // Stop the webcam. 

    void OnGUI() 
     float screenScale = Screen.width/240.0f; 
     Matrix4x4 scaledMatrix = Matrix4x4.Scale (new Vector3 (screenScale, screenScale, screenScale)); 
     GUI.matrix = scaledMatrix; 

     // How big is our GUI Box? 
     //  UnityEngine.Rect devRect = new UnityEngine.Rect (1, 1, (_texture.width/10)+2, (_texture.height/10)+90); 


    // Return the brighness of the colour of a pixel 
    private double Brightness(Color c) 
     return Mathf.Sqrt (
      c.r * c.r * .241f + 
      c.g * c.g * .691f + 
      c.b * c.b * .068f); 

    public void AddToDebug(string newLine) { 

     // Do we need to add a carraige return 
     if (_cameraInf != "") 
      _cameraInf += "\n"; 

     // Add the line and update us 
     _cameraInf += newLine; 
     if (_cameraListScript!=null) 
      _cameraListScript.cameraList = _cameraInf; 


update() captureface() Ienumerator具體地說








感謝您的回覆,也許只是我的設備進行測試,但我認爲我的htcM8是相當不錯,它運行相當容易。有沒有什麼突出的,可能會與Android但不是iPhone的鬥爭?你對這兩種方法有不同的建議嗎? – Milodin


我真的不知道如何解決這個問題,但我可以給你建議如何找出導致此性能下降的原因。將您的代碼更改爲[this](http://pastebin.com/mz92dLs9)。這將允許您查看每個函數執行的時間。通過比較HTC M8和iPhone上的結果可以幫助您找出哪一行代碼會導致丟失。我希望你明白這個主意。 – Utamaru


謝謝,我會試試看。 :-) – Milodin
