我需要自動完成phrases。例如,當我搜索「癡呆症alz」,我想得到「癡呆症在阿爾茨海默氏症」帶詞組匹配的Edge NGram

爲此,我配置了Edge NGram tokenizer。我在查詢主體中嘗試使用edge_ngram_analyzerstandard作爲分析器。儘管如此,當我嘗試匹配一個短語時,我無法得到結果。



     "query":"dementia in alz", 


"type" : { 
    "_all" : { 
    "analyzer" : "edge_ngram_analyzer", 
    "search_analyzer" : "standard" 
    "properties" : { 
    "field" : { 
     "type" : "string", 
     "analyzer" : "edge_ngram_analyzer", 
     "search_analyzer" : "standard" 
"settings" : { 
    "analysis" : { 
    "filter" : { 
     "stem_possessive_filter" : { 
     "name" : "possessive_english", 
     "type" : "stemmer" 
    "analyzer" : { 
     "edge_ngram_analyzer" : { 
     "filter" : [ "lowercase" ], 
     "tokenizer" : "edge_ngram_tokenizer" 
    "tokenizer" : { 
     "edge_ngram_tokenizer" : { 
     "token_chars" : [ "letter", "digit", "whitespace" ], 
     "min_gram" : "2", 
     "type" : "edgeNGram", 
     "max_gram" : "25" 


    "_score": 1.1152233, 
    "_type": "Diagnosis", 
    "_id": "AVZLfHfBE5CzEm8aJ3Xp", 
    "_source": { 
    "@timestamp": "2016-08-02T13:40:48.665Z", 
    "type": "Diagnosis", 
    "Document_ID": "Diagnosis_1400541", 
    "Diagnosis": "F00.0 - Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with early onset", 
    "@version": "1", 
    "_index": "carenotes" 
    "_score": 1.1152233, 
    "_type": "Diagnosis", 
    "_id": "AVZLfICrE5CzEm8aJ4Dc", 
    "_source": { 
    "@timestamp": "2016-08-02T13:40:51.240Z", 
    "type": "Diagnosis", 
    "Document_ID": "Diagnosis_1424351", 
    "Diagnosis": "F00.1 - Dementia in Alzheimer's disease with late onset", 
    "@version": "1", 
    "_index": "carenotes" 

「阿爾茨海默癡呆症」 的分析短語:

    "tokens": [ 
     "end_offset": 2, 
     "token": "de", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 0 
     "end_offset": 3, 
     "token": "dem", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 1 
     "end_offset": 4, 
     "token": "deme", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 5, 
     "token": "demen", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 3 
     "end_offset": 6, 
     "token": "dement", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 7, 
     "token": "dementi", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 8, 
     "token": "dementia", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 6 
     "end_offset": 9, 
     "token": "dementia ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 7 
     "end_offset": 10, 
     "token": "dementia i", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 8 
     "end_offset": 11, 
     "token": "dementia in", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 9 
     "end_offset": 12, 
     "token": "dementia in ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 10 
     "end_offset": 13, 
     "token": "dementia in a", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 11 
     "end_offset": 14, 
     "token": "dementia in al", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 12 
     "end_offset": 15, 
     "token": "dementia in alz", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 13 
     "end_offset": 16, 
     "token": "dementia in alzh", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 14 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "dementia in alzhe", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 15 
     "end_offset": 18, 
     "token": "dementia in alzhei", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 16 
     "end_offset": 19, 
     "token": "dementia in alzheim", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 17 
     "end_offset": 20, 
     "token": "dementia in alzheime", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 18 
     "end_offset": 21, 
     "token": "dementia in alzheimer", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 19 

您是否嘗試使用query_string而不是multi_match?請讓我知道它是否能解決您的問題。 –


'query_string'默認在'_all'字段中搜索。所以,它和我在'multi_match'和'「fields」中做的一樣:[「_all」]'。儘管如此,我試過了,沒有成功。我使用了下面的查詢:{'query':{'query_string':{'query':'alme','phrase_slop'中的癡呆症:0}}}'' – trex




Andrei Stefan的解決方案不是最優的。

爲什麼?首先,搜索分析器中缺少小寫字母過濾器會使搜索不便;該案件必須嚴格配合。需要使用lowercase過濾器的自定義分析器,而不是"analyzer": "keyword"

二,分析部分錯誤! 在索引期間,通過edge_ngram_analyzer分析字符串「F00.0-阿爾茨海默病癡呆早期」。有了這個分析,我們有如下的字典作爲分析的字符串數組:

    "tokens": [ 
     "end_offset": 2, 
     "token": "f0", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 0 
     "end_offset": 3, 
     "token": "f00", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 1 
     "end_offset": 6, 
     "token": "0 ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 4, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 9, 
     "token": " ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 3 
     "end_offset": 10, 
     "token": " d", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 11, 
     "token": " de", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 12, 
     "token": " dem", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 6 
     "end_offset": 13, 
     "token": " deme", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 7 
     "end_offset": 14, 
     "token": " demen", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 8 
     "end_offset": 15, 
     "token": " dement", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 9 
     "end_offset": 16, 
     "token": " dementi", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 10 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": " dementia", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 11 
     "end_offset": 18, 
     "token": " dementia ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 12 
     "end_offset": 19, 
     "token": " dementia i", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 13 
     "end_offset": 20, 
     "token": " dementia in", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 14 
     "end_offset": 21, 
     "token": " dementia in ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 15 
     "end_offset": 22, 
     "token": " dementia in a", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 16 
     "end_offset": 23, 
     "token": " dementia in al", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 17 
     "end_offset": 24, 
     "token": " dementia in alz", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 18 
     "end_offset": 25, 
     "token": " dementia in alzh", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 19 
     "end_offset": 26, 
     "token": " dementia in alzhe", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 20 
     "end_offset": 27, 
     "token": " dementia in alzhei", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 21 
     "end_offset": 28, 
     "token": " dementia in alzheim", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 22 
     "end_offset": 29, 
     "token": " dementia in alzheime", 
     "type": "word", 
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     "position": 23 
     "end_offset": 30, 
     "token": " dementia in alzheimer", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 7, 
     "position": 24 
     "end_offset": 33, 
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     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
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     "end_offset": 34, 
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     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 26 
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     "type": "word", 
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     "end_offset": 36, 
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     "start_offset": 31, 
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     "type": "word", 
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     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
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     "end_offset": 39, 
     "token": "s diseas", 
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     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 31 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "s disease", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 32 
     "end_offset": 41, 
     "token": "s disease ", 
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     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 33 
     "end_offset": 42, 
     "token": "s disease w", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 34 
     "end_offset": 43, 
     "token": "s disease wi", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 35 
     "end_offset": 44, 
     "token": "s disease wit", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 36 
     "end_offset": 45, 
     "token": "s disease with", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 37 
     "end_offset": 46, 
     "token": "s disease with ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 38 
     "end_offset": 47, 
     "token": "s disease with e", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 39 
     "end_offset": 48, 
     "token": "s disease with ea", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 40 
     "end_offset": 49, 
     "token": "s disease with ear", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 41 
     "end_offset": 50, 
     "token": "s disease with earl", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 42 
     "end_offset": 51, 
     "token": "s disease with early", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 43 
     "end_offset": 52, 
     "token": "s disease with early ", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 44 
     "end_offset": 53, 
     "token": "s disease with early o", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 45 
     "end_offset": 54, 
     "token": "s disease with early on", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
     "position": 46 
     "end_offset": 55, 
     "token": "s disease with early ons", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 31, 
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     "token": "s disease with early onse", 
     "type": "word", 
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  1. edge_ngram_analyzer產生無用令牌將永遠不會被搜索的,例如: 「」, 「」, 「d」,「 SD」, 「W病」 等
  2. 此外,它沒有產生很多有用的令牌可以使用,例如:「疾病」,「提前發生」等。如果您嘗試搜索這些單詞中的任何一個,則會有0個結果。
  3. 注意,最後一個標記是「s疾病早期」。最後的「t」在哪裏?由於"max_gram" : "25"我們「失去了」在所有領域的一些文字。您無法再搜索此文本,因爲它沒有令牌。
  4. trim過濾器只會混淆過濾額外空格時可能會由標記器完成的問題。
  5. edge_ngram_analyzer遞增每個令牌的位置,這對於諸如短語查詢的位置查詢是有問題的。應該使用edge_ngram_filter而不是在生成ngrams時保留標記的位置



"mappings": { 
    "Type": { 
      "analyzer": "edge_ngram_analyzer", 
      "search_analyzer": "keyword_analyzer" 
     "properties": { 
      "Field": { 
      "search_analyzer": "keyword_analyzer", 
      "type": "string", 
      "analyzer": "edge_ngram_analyzer" 
"settings": { 
    "analysis": { 
     "filter": { 
     "english_poss_stemmer": { 
      "type": "stemmer", 
      "name": "possessive_english" 
     "edge_ngram": { 
      "type": "edgeNGram", 
      "min_gram": "2", 
      "max_gram": "25", 
      "token_chars": ["letter", "digit"] 
     "analyzer": { 
     "edge_ngram_analyzer": { 
      "filter": ["lowercase", "english_poss_stemmer", "edge_ngram"], 
      "tokenizer": "standard" 
     "keyword_analyzer": { 
      "filter": ["lowercase", "english_poss_stemmer"], 
      "tokenizer": "standard" 


    "tokens": [ 
     "end_offset": 5, 
     "token": "f0", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
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     "end_offset": 5, 
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     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 0 
     "end_offset": 5, 
     "token": "f00.", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 0 
     "end_offset": 5, 
     "token": "f00.0", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 0, 
     "position": 0 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "de", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "dem", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "deme", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "demen", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "dement", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "dementi", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 17, 
     "token": "dementia", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 9, 
     "position": 2 
     "end_offset": 20, 
     "token": "in", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 18, 
     "position": 3 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "al", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alz", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alzh", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alzhe", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alzhei", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alzheim", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alzheime", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 32, 
     "token": "alzheimer", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 21, 
     "position": 4 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "di", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 33, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "dis", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 33, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "dise", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 33, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "disea", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 33, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "diseas", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 33, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 40, 
     "token": "disease", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 33, 
     "position": 5 
     "end_offset": 45, 
     "token": "wi", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 41, 
     "position": 6 
     "end_offset": 45, 
     "token": "wit", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 41, 
     "position": 6 
     "end_offset": 45, 
     "token": "with", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 41, 
     "position": 6 
     "end_offset": 51, 
     "token": "ea", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 46, 
     "position": 7 
     "end_offset": 51, 
     "token": "ear", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 46, 
     "position": 7 
     "end_offset": 51, 
     "token": "earl", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 46, 
     "position": 7 
     "end_offset": 51, 
     "token": "early", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 46, 
     "position": 7 
     "end_offset": 57, 
     "token": "on", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 52, 
     "position": 8 
     "end_offset": 57, 
     "token": "ons", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 52, 
     "position": 8 
     "end_offset": 57, 
     "token": "onse", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 52, 
     "position": 8 
     "end_offset": 57, 
     "token": "onset", 
     "type": "word", 
     "start_offset": 52, 
     "position": 8 

在索引時間文本由standard標記生成器標記化,則分開的字由lowercase過濾,possessive_englishedge_ngram過濾器。 令牌只能用於單詞。 在搜索時間文本被標記爲standard標記化器,然後單獨的單詞被lowercasepossessive_english篩選。搜索到的單詞與索引時間期間創建的令牌相匹配。



    'query': { 
    'multi_match': { 
     'query': 'dem in alzh', 
     'type': 'phrase', 
     'fields': ['_all'] 




我不會有時間來提供這樣一個精心設計的解決方案,但是我很感謝您花時間來報告您的發現。至少,我能夠幫助你發現一個最初的問題。乾杯! –


非常感謝@trex,我有相同的要求,只是設置了這個方法。 –


映射大括號中有一個語法問題,解決方案不適合我們? – tina


我相信你的查詢是錯誤的:當你在索引時需要nGrams,你不需要它們在搜索時。在搜索時,您需要將文本儘可能「固定」。 試試這個查詢,而不是:

    "query": { 
    "multi_match": { 
     "query": " dementia in alz", 
     "analyzer": "keyword", 
     "fields": [ 

dementia前發現兩個空格。這些由您的分析儀從文本中解釋。爲了擺脫那些你需要的trim token_filter:

"edge_ngram_analyzer": { 
     "filter": [ 
     "tokenizer": "edge_ngram_tokenizer" 


    "query": { 
    "multi_match": { 
     "query": "dementia in alz", 
     "analyzer": "keyword", 
     "fields": [ 

我剛剛試過了,0結果。 – trex


另外,我用'lowercase'過濾器重複測試,將以下分析器添加到現有映射「keyword_analyzer」:{「filter」:[「lowercase」],「tokenizer」:「keyword」}'。查詢是'{'query':{'multi_match':{'query':'alz'中的癡呆症','analyser':'keyword_analyzer','fields':['_all']}}}'。沒有成功:-( – trex


我需要查看完整的文檔以測試索引的** complete **映射。請使用github –