2016-04-03 50 views


Initialize event queue EQ = all segment endpoints; 
    Sort EQ by increasing x and y; 
    Initialize sweep line SL to be empty; 
    Initialize output intersection list IL to be empty; 

    While (EQ is nonempty) { 
     Let E = the next event from EQ; 
     If (E is a left endpoint) { 
      Let segE = E's segment; 
      Add segE to SL; 
      Let segA = the segment Above segE in SL; 
      Let segB = the segment Below segE in SL; 
      If (I = Intersect(segE with segA) exists) 
       Insert I into EQ; 
      If (I = Intersect(segE with segB) exists) 
       Insert I into EQ; 
     Else If (E is a right endpoint) { 
      Let segE = E's segment; 
      Let segA = the segment Above segE in SL; 
      Let segB = the segment Below segE in SL; 
      Delete segE from SL; 
      If (I = Intersect(segA with segB) exists) 
       If (I is not in EQ already) 
        Insert I into EQ; 
     Else { // E is an intersection event 
      Add E’s intersect point to the output list IL; 
      Let segE1 above segE2 be E's intersecting segments in SL; 
      Swap their positions so that segE2 is now above segE1; 
      Let segA = the segment above segE2 in SL; 
      Let segB = the segment below segE1 in SL; 
      If (I = Intersect(segE2 with segA) exists) 
       If (I is not in EQ already) 
        Insert I into EQ; 
      If (I = Intersect(segE1 with segB) exists) 
       If (I is not in EQ already) 
        Insert I into EQ; 
     remove E from EQ; 
    return IL; 

我在左端點的情況下 如果a或b犯規存在哪些例如幾個問題嗎?如果存在並且不是,我們是否應該檢查第二個,如果沒有或沒有?








讓我們看看從EQ中獲得的第一個段,那時沒有什麼東西在SL中存在,因此它上面或下面沒有任何東西存在,並且沒有交叉點要檢查......最後,這個點將簡單地被刪除 – 2D3D


該點被刪除,但「SL」現在包含一個段。 「EQ」不是潛在交叉點的列表;它是一個需要完成的算法才能正常工作的列表。 – Sneftel