我是Javascript新手,但是我從一個數字數組中自定義了一個代碼,以便在其中我想識別目標以完成遊戲的字母數組。Draggable對象無法識別目標Javascript jquery
The original code 和code that I customized。
var correctCards = 0;
function init() {
// Hide the success message
left: '580px',
top: '250px',
width: 0,
height: 0
// Reset the game
correctCards = 0;
// Create the pile of shuffled cards
var vocales = ["a", 'e','i' , 'o', 'u'];
vocales.sort(function() { return Math.random() - .5 });
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
$('<div>' + vocales[i] + '</div>')
.data('vocal', vocales[i])
.attr('id', 'vocal'+vocales[i])
containment: '#content',
stack: '#vocalPile div',
cursor: 'move',
revert: true
// Create the card slots
var words = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
$('<div>' + words[i-1] + '</div>')
.data('vocal', i)
accept: '#vocalPile div',
hoverClass: 'hovered',
drop: handleCardDrop
function handleCardDrop(event, ui) {
var slotVocal = $(this).data('vocales');
var cardVocal = ui.draggable.data('vocales');
// If the card was dropped to the correct slot,
// change the card colour, position it directly
// on top of the slot, and prevent it being dragged
// again
if (slotVocal == cardVocal) {
ui.draggable.position({ of: $(this), my: 'left top', at: 'left top' });
ui.draggable.draggable('option', 'revert', false);
// If all the cards have been placed correctly then display a message
// and reset the cards for another go
if (correctCards == 5) {
left: '380px',
top: '200px',
width: '400px',
height: '100px',
opacity: 1
我認爲在通過函數傳遞的參數中存在錯誤。但我不知道如何改變他們在if ==。