mysql> call foo('2,4,6');
| user_id | username |
| 2 | b |
| 4 | d |
| 6 | f |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
drop table if exists users;
create table users
user_id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
username varchar(32) unique not null
insert into users (username) values ('a'),('b'),('c'),('d'),('e'),('f'),('g');
drop procedure if exists foo;
delimiter #
create procedure foo
in p_id_csv varchar(1024)
declare v_id varchar(10);
declare v_done tinyint unsigned default 0;
declare v_idx int unsigned default 1;
if p_id_csv is null or length(p_id_csv) <= 0 then
leave proc_main;
end if;
-- split the string into tokens and put into an in-memory table...
create temporary table ids(id int unsigned not null)engine = memory;
while not v_done do
set v_id = trim(substring(p_id_csv, v_idx,
if(locate(',', p_id_csv, v_idx) > 0,
locate(',', p_id_csv, v_idx) - v_idx, length(p_id_csv))));
if length(v_id) > 0 then
set v_idx = v_idx + length(v_id) + 1;
insert into ids values(v_id);
set v_done = 1;
end if;
end while;
select u.* from users u
inner join ids on ids.id = u.user_id
order by u.username;
drop temporary table if exists ids;
end proc_main #
delimiter ;
call foo('2,4,6');
這是製作中的SQL注入漏洞。 – 2012-01-27 00:52:23
事件如果存在SQL注入的可能性,嘗試在存儲過程中進行防禦性編程(或與數據庫或其數據無關的事情)可能會導致無法維護的混亂。我說這取決於程序員是否可以傳遞有效參數或避免存儲過程。 – 2012-01-30 23:34:58
問題不在於存儲過程。它正在評估部分由用戶輸入生成的代碼。這在* any語言中是一個糟糕的主意,而不僅僅是SQL。正如上面的f00所展示的那樣,這個問題可以通過使用SQL來解決,而不會像引導代碼那樣引入漏洞。 – 2012-01-30 23:50:07