2015-11-16 71 views

我正在開發Windows 10 UWP應用程序,似乎無法擺脫此錯誤: 「System.Runtime.Serialization類型的異常。 SerializationException'發生在mscorlib.ni.dll中,但未在用戶代碼中處理「parse.com:SerializationException使用「__type」屬性反序列化JSON對象

我正在使用Rest API從Parse和實例化對象上的Data Store檢索值。 這裏是我的課是什麼樣子

public class ImageTest 
    public class Image 
     public string __type { get; set; } 
     public string name { get; set; } 
     public string url { get; set; } 

    public class Result 
     public string createdAt { get; set; } 
     public Image image { get; set; } 
     public string name { get; set; } 
     public string objectId { get; set; } 
     public string updatedAt { get; set; } 

    public class RootObject 
     public List<Result> results { get; set; } 


"results": [ 
     "createdAt": "2015-11-16T02:04:17.403Z", 
     "image": { 
      "__type": "File", 
      "name": "stark.jpg", 
      "url": "http://xyz.parse.com/stark.jpg" 
     "name": "Stark", 
     "objectId": "2ypGrvkvg0", 
     "updatedAt": "2015-11-16T02:04:23.121Z" 
     "createdAt": "2015-11-16T02:04:31.409Z", 
     "image": { 
      "__type": "File", 
      "name": "targaryen.jpg", 
      "url": "http://xyz.parse.com/targaryen.jpg" 
     "name": "Targaryen", 
     "objectId": "otgO3scX3k", 
     "updatedAt": "2015-11-16T02:04:40.094Z" 

錯誤消息的詳細信息如下: 附加信息:元素「:像」包含數據':File'數據合同。反序列化器不知道映射到此合約的任何類型。將與'File'相對應的類型添加到已知類型列表中 - 例如,使用KnownTypeAttribute屬性或將其添加到傳遞給DataContractSerializer的已知類型列表中。




Preserving Type Information

To preserve type identity, when serializing complex types to JSON a "type hint" can be added, and the deserializer recognizes the hint and acts appropriately. The "type hint" is a JSON key/value pair with the key name of "__type" (two underscores followed by the word "type"). The value is a JSON string of the form "DataContractName:DataContractNamespace" (anything up to the first colon is the name)...

The type hint is very similar to the xsi:type attribute defined by the XML Schema Instance standard and used when serializing/deserializing XML.

Data members called "__type" are forbidden due to potential conflict with the type hint.



public class ImageTest 
    [DataContract(Namespace = "")] 
    public abstract class ImageBase 

    [DataContract(Name = "File", Namespace = "")] 
    public sealed class FileImage : ImageBase 
     [DataMember(Name = "name")] 
     public string name { get; set; } 
     [DataMember(Name = "url")] 
     public string url { get; set; } 

    [DataContract(Namespace = "")] 
    public class Result 
     public string createdAt { get; set; } 

     public FileImage image { get { return imageBase as FileImage; } set { imageBase = value; } } 

     [DataMember(Name = "image")] // Need not be public if DataMember is applied. 
     ImageBase imageBase { get; set; } 

     public string name { get; set; } 

     public string objectId { get; set; } 

     public string updatedAt { get; set; } 

    public class RootObject 
     public List<Result> results { get; set; } 




非常感謝,它似乎已經解決了錯誤,現在編譯程序。將DataContext(特別是名稱和URL)綁定到類時,如何訪問類Result和類FileImage的成員? –


@JasonBourne - 「圖片」屬性仍然存在並且可公開訪問。它將底層的'ImageBase'屬性轉換爲'FileImage'並返回。所以你應該能夠綁定到那個。 – dbc


太棒了!感謝dbc。 –
