2011-01-13 71 views

我被分配了一個問題,我不確定如何在SQL SEVER(版本5/8)中編寫它。 下面是簡單的查詢和輸出:如何在SQL SERVER中遞增計數

Select location, date_time, Item_sold 
From Product 

Location  Date_time     Item_sold 
VA   12/10/2010 1:30:00 PM   Candy 
VA   12/10/2010 3:30:00 PM   Chips 
VA   12/13/2010 12:50:00 AM   Wine 
DC   12/13/2010 8:00:00 AM   Gum 
DC   12/13/2010 12:30:00 PM   Bags 
DC   12/13/2010 1:16:00 PM   Cheese 
DC   12/13/2010 12:00:00 AM   Hotdog 
NJ   12/14/2010 12:00:00 AM   Coffee 
NJ   12/14/2010 1:15:00 PM   Beers 
NJ   12/14/2010 12:00:00 AM   Coffee 
NJ   12/14/2010 1:45:00 PM   Water 

這是我想要的輸出,這是我想了一會兒/ for循環或旋轉功能可以做的工作,但我的經驗是還沒有。基本上,我需要逐步計算從Item_sold列銷售的物品數量(基線日期從12/8到12/9,12/8到12/10,12/8到12/11,12/8到12/12 ...)

Location 12/10 to 12/11 12/10 to 12/12 12/10 to 12/13 12/10 to 12/14 
VA    2    2     3    3 
DC    0    0     3    3 
NJ     0    0     0    4 

我想知道是否有人可以編輯並解決這個問題。 預先非常感謝, 喬


我覺得你的12/8 - 12/11和12/8 - 12/12對VA來說應該是2,不是嗎? – 2011-01-13 20:08:25


@joe - 你能否確認它應該有一排NJ,並且VA不應該是0/0/2/2/2/3?爲什麼0到2和3之間? – RichardTheKiwi 2011-01-13 20:09:45


而查詢應該是動態的? – 2011-01-13 20:10:37




create table Product(Location char(2), Date_time datetime, Item_sold varchar(20)) 
insert Product select 'VA', '20101210 1:30:00 PM' ,'Candy' 
insert Product select 'VA', '20101210 3:30:00 PM' ,'Chips' 
insert Product select 'VA', '20101213 12:50:00 AM' ,'Wine' 
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 8:00:00 AM' ,'Gum' 
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 12:30:00 PM' ,'Bags' 
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 1:16:00 PM' ,'Cheese' 
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 12:00:00 AM' ,'Hotdog' 
insert Product select 'NJ', '20101215 12:00:00 AM' ,'Coffee' 
insert Product select 'NJ', '20101215 1:15:00 PM' ,'Beers' 
insert Product select 'NJ', '20101215 3:45:00 AM' ,'Cream' 


declare @start datetime 
declare @end datetime 
select @start = '20101208', @end = '20110105' 

declare @sql nvarchar(max); 
-- generate the column names 
select @sql = coalesce(@sql + ',', '') + QuoteName(Convert(char(5),@start,101)+' - '+Convert(char(5),DT,101)) 
from (
    select @start + number DT 
    from master..spt_values 
    where type='P' and number between 0 and DATEDIFF(D,@start,@end)) T; 

-- replace the column names into the generic PIVOT form 
set @sql = REPLACE(' 
;with COUNTS AS (
    select p.location, Convert(char(5),@start,101)+'' - ''+Convert(char(5),@start + v.number,101) DT, X.C 
     Select distinct location From Product 
     where Date_time >= @start and Date_time < @end+1 -- * the date after, to handle the times 
    ) p 
    inner join master..spt_values v on v.type=''P'' and v.number between 0 and DATEDIFF(D,@start,@end) 
    cross apply 
     select COUNT(*) C from product p2 
     where p2.Location=p.Location 
     and p2.date_time >= @start and p2.date_time < @start + v.number +1 
    ) X 
select location, :columns: 
from COUNTS p 
pivot (max(C) for DT in (:columns:)) pv', 
':columns:', @sql) 

-- execute for the results 
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@start datetime,@end datetime', @start, @end 


create table product 
    location char(2)  not null , 
    date_time datetime not null , 
    item_sold varchar(32) not null , 

    primary key clustered (location , date_time) , 


select Location  = loc.location , 
     "12/8"   = t8.sales_cnt , 
     "12/8 - 12/09" = t9.sales_cnt , 
     "12/8 - 12/10" = t10.sales_cnt , 
     "12/8 - 12/11" = t11.sales_cnt , 
     "12/8 - 12/12" = t12.sales_cnt , 
     "12/8 - 12/13" = t13.sales_cnt 
from  (select distinct location from #product) loc 
left join (select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-08 23:59:59.997' group by location) t8 on t8.location = loc.location 
left join (select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-09 23:59:59.997' group by location) t9 on t9.location = loc.location 
left join (select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-10 23:59:59.997' group by location) t10 on t10.location = loc.location 
left join (select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-11 23:59:59.997' group by location) t11 on t11.location = loc.location 
left join (select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-12 23:59:59.997' group by location) t12 on t12.location = loc.location 
left join (select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-13 23:59:59.997' group by location) t13 on t13.location = loc.location 
order by 1