產生顏色值有一個for循環說像在ActionScript的Actionscript - 需要在循環中
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
// need to generate color value for each i.
//need to set the color value for drawing rectangle dynamically
產生顏色值有一個for循環說像在ActionScript的Actionscript - 需要在循環中
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
// need to generate color value for each i.
//need to set the color value for drawing rectangle dynamically
關於Pranav Hosangadi的回答:
private function createColors(n:int):Array
var colors:Array = [];
for(var i= 0; i < n ; i++)
// for instance, but you could come up with
// a variety of formulas , depending on what kind of spectrum
// you're looking for!
var color:uint = 0xffffff * Math.random();
// add your newly created color to the Array
// you could also do : colors[i] = 0xffffff * Math.random();
colors[i] = color;
return colors;
//after this you can generate your rectangles
private function createRectangles():void
var colors:Array = createColors(10);
for(var i= 0; i < colors.length ; i++)
var rect:Sprite = new Sprite();
var g:Graphics=rect.graphics;
g.drawRect(10 * i , 10 * i, 100, 150);
var myColor:uint=0xRRGGBB;
var g:Graphics=this.graphics;
g.beginFill(0xcc0000); //Red fill
g.drawRect(10, 10, 100, 150); //Rectangle at (10, 10) with size (100, 150)
你需要更具體一點關於你想要生成什麼樣的顏色。另外,你是使用繪圖API還是位圖繪製? – grapefrukt
嗨,我正在繪製使用graphics.beginfill()方法內的精靈。無論如何,下一次我會更具體。 Pranav和Ptrick幫助解決了這個問題。 – Arulmurugan