2011-09-21 49 views


我在MobWrite中使用CodeMirror。 CodeMirror只使用textArea讀取輸入& MobWrite可以處理給定TextArea上的選擇等,問題是讓CodeMirror與TextArea同步。


我想你也許會更好,詢問了在谷歌組:http://groups.google.com/group/codemirror ; CodeMirror的作者可以在那裏看到*很多!* –


(對於社區) - OP組添加的Google組問題:http://groups.google.com/group/codemirror/browse_thread/thread/6eb02667cf1f1797 –



擴展ModWrite代碼以支持CodeMirror &它像一個魅力。

它也可以在GitHub找到。有關CodeMirror Group的詳細信息。


// CODEMIRROR INPUTS : Aped from Neil's code 
Set a 'id' property for your codeMirror obj 
NoteToSelf: mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.captureCursor_ - implement hasFocus 
import linech2n func 
import this code after you import MobWrite. 

* Constructor of shared object representing a CodeMirror obj 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj = function(cmObj) { 
    // Call our prototype's constructor. 
    if(!"id" in cmObj) cmObj.id="TEMP"; 
    mobwrite.shareObj.apply(this, [cmObj.id]); 
    this.element = cmObj; 

// The textarea shared object's parent is a shareObj. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype = new mobwrite.shareObj(''); 

* Retrieve the user's text. 
* @return {string} Plaintext content. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.getClientText = function() { 
    var text = mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.normalizeLinebreaks_(this.element.getValue()); 
    return text; 

* Set the user's text. 
* @param {string} text New text 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.setClientText = function(text) { 

* Modify the user's plaintext by applying a series of patches against it. 
* @param {Array.<patch_obj>} patches Array of Patch objects. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.patchClientText = function(patches) { 
    // Set some constants which tweak the matching behaviour. 
    // Maximum distance to search from expected location. 
    this.dmp.Match_Distance = 1000; 
    // At what point is no match declared (0.0 = perfection, 1.0 = very loose) 
    this.dmp.Match_Threshold = 0.6; 

    var oldClientText = this.getClientText(); 
    var cursor = this.captureCursor_(); 
    // Pack the cursor offsets into an array to be adjusted. 
    // See http://neil.fraser.name/writing/cursor/ 
    var offsets = []; 
    if (cursor) { 
    offsets[0] = cursor.startOffset; 
    if ('endOffset' in cursor) { 
     offsets[1] = cursor.endOffset; 
    var newClientText = this.patch_apply_(patches, oldClientText, offsets); 
    // Set the new text only if there is a change to be made. 
    if (oldClientText != newClientText) { 
    if (cursor) { 
     // Unpack the offset array. 
     cursor.startOffset = offsets[0]; 
     if (offsets.length > 1) { 
     cursor.endOffset = offsets[1]; 
     if (cursor.startOffset >= cursor.endOffset) { 
      cursor.collapsed = true; 

* Merge a set of patches onto the text. Return a patched text. 
* @param {Array.<patch_obj>} patches Array of patch objects. 
* @param {string} text Old text. 
* @param {Array.<number>} offsets Offset indices to adjust. 
* @return {string} New text. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.patch_apply_ = 
    function(patches, text, offsets) { 
    if (patches.length == 0) { 
    return text; 

    // Deep copy the patches so that no changes are made to originals. 
    patches = this.dmp.patch_deepCopy(patches); 
    var nullPadding = this.dmp.patch_addPadding(patches); 
    text = nullPadding + text + nullPadding; 

    // delta keeps track of the offset between the expected and actual location 
    // of the previous patch. If there are patches expected at positions 10 and 
    // 20, but the first patch was found at 12, delta is 2 and the second patch 
    // has an effective expected position of 22. 
    var delta = 0; 
    for (var x = 0; x < patches.length; x++) { 
    var expected_loc = patches[x].start2 + delta; 
    var text1 = this.dmp.diff_text1(patches[x].diffs); 
    var start_loc; 
    var end_loc = -1; 
    if (text1.length > this.dmp.Match_MaxBits) { 
     // patch_splitMax will only provide an oversized pattern in the case of 
     // a monster delete. 
     start_loc = this.dmp.match_main(text, 
      text1.substring(0, this.dmp.Match_MaxBits), expected_loc); 
     if (start_loc != -1) { 
     end_loc = this.dmp.match_main(text, 
      text1.substring(text1.length - this.dmp.Match_MaxBits), 
      expected_loc + text1.length - this.dmp.Match_MaxBits); 
     if (end_loc == -1 || start_loc >= end_loc) { 
      // Can't find valid trailing context. Drop this patch. 
      start_loc = -1; 
    } else { 
     start_loc = this.dmp.match_main(text, text1, expected_loc); 
    if (start_loc == -1) { 
     // No match found. :(
     if (mobwrite.debug) { 
     window.console.warn('Patch failed: ' + patches[x]); 
     // Subtract the delta for this failed patch from subsequent patches. 
     delta -= patches[x].length2 - patches[x].length1; 
    } else { 
     // Found a match. :) 
     if (mobwrite.debug) { 
     window.console.info('Patch OK.'); 
     delta = start_loc - expected_loc; 
     var text2; 
     if (end_loc == -1) { 
     text2 = text.substring(start_loc, start_loc + text1.length); 
     } else { 
     text2 = text.substring(start_loc, end_loc + this.dmp.Match_MaxBits); 
     // Run a diff to get a framework of equivalent indices. 
     var diffs = this.dmp.diff_main(text1, text2, false); 
     if (text1.length > this.dmp.Match_MaxBits && 
      this.dmp.diff_levenshtein(diffs)/text1.length > 
      this.dmp.Patch_DeleteThreshold) { 
     // The end points match, but the content is unacceptably bad. 
     if (mobwrite.debug) { 
      window.console.warn('Patch contents mismatch: ' + patches[x]); 
     } else { 
     var index1 = 0; 
     var index2; 
     for (var y = 0; y < patches[x].diffs.length; y++) { 
      var mod = patches[x].diffs[y]; 
      if (mod[0] !== DIFF_EQUAL) { 
      index2 = this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diffs, index1); 
      if (mod[0] === DIFF_INSERT) { // Insertion 
      text = text.substring(0, start_loc + index2) + mod[1] + 
        text.substring(start_loc + index2); 
      for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) { 
       if (offsets[i] + nullPadding.length > start_loc + index2) { 
       offsets[i] += mod[1].length; 
      } else if (mod[0] === DIFF_DELETE) { // Deletion 
      var del_start = start_loc + index2; 
      var del_end = start_loc + this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diffs, 
       index1 + mod[1].length); 
      text = text.substring(0, del_start) + text.substring(del_end); 
      for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) { 
       if (offsets[i] + nullPadding.length > del_start) { 
       if (offsets[i] + nullPadding.length < del_end) { 
        offsets[i] = del_start - nullPadding.length; 
       } else { 
        offsets[i] -= del_end - del_start; 
      if (mod[0] !== DIFF_DELETE) { 
      index1 += mod[1].length; 
    // Strip the padding off. 
    text = text.substring(nullPadding.length, text.length - nullPadding.length); 
    return text; 

* Record information regarding the current cursor. 
* @return {Object?} Context information of the cursor. 
* @private 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.captureCursor_ = function() { 
    this.element.focus();//change to hasFocus()?Pass:return null; 
    var padLength = this.dmp.Match_MaxBits/2; // Normally 16. 
    var text = this.element.getValue(); 
    var cursor = {}; 
    var selectionStart = linech2n(this.element, this.element.getCursor(true)); 
    var selectionEnd = linech2n(this.element, this.element.getCursor(false)); 
    cursor.startPrefix = text.substring(selectionStart - padLength, selectionStart); 
    cursor.startSuffix = text.substring(selectionStart, selectionStart + padLength); 
    cursor.startOffset = selectionStart; 
    cursor.collapsed = (selectionStart == selectionEnd); 
    if (!cursor.collapsed) { 
     cursor.endPrefix = text.substring(selectionEnd - padLength, selectionEnd); 
     cursor.endSuffix = text.substring(selectionEnd, selectionEnd + padLength); 
     cursor.endOffset = selectionEnd; 
    // Record scrollbar locations 
    if ('scrollTop' in this.element.getScrollerElement()) { 
    scroller = this.element.getScrollerElement(); 
    cursor.scrollTop = scroller.scrollTop/scroller.scrollHeight; 
    cursor.scrollLeft = scroller.scrollLeft/scroller.scrollWidth; 

    // alert(cursor.startPrefix + '|' + cursor.startSuffix + ' ' + 
    //  cursor.startOffset + '\n' + cursor.endPrefix + '|' + 
    //  cursor.endSuffix + ' ' + cursor.endOffset + '\n' + 
    //  cursor.scrollTop + ' x ' + cursor.scrollLeft); 
    return cursor; 

* Attempt to restore the cursor's location. 
* @param {Object} cursor Context information of the cursor. 
* @private 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.prototype.restoreCursor_ = function(cursor) { 
    // Set some constants which tweak the matching behaviour. 
    // Maximum distance to search from expected location. 
    this.dmp.Match_Distance = 1000; 
    // At what point is no match declared (0.0 = perfection, 1.0 = very loose) 
    this.dmp.Match_Threshold = 0.9; 

    var padLength = this.dmp.Match_MaxBits/2; // Normally 16. 
    var newText = this.element.getValue(); 

    // Find the start of the selection in the new text. 
    var pattern1 = cursor.startPrefix + cursor.startSuffix; 
    var pattern2, diff; 
    var cursorStartPoint = this.dmp.match_main(newText, pattern1, 
     cursor.startOffset - padLength); 
    if (cursorStartPoint !== null) { 
    pattern2 = newText.substring(cursorStartPoint, 
           cursorStartPoint + pattern1.length); 
    //alert(pattern1 + '\nvs\n' + pattern2); 
    // Run a diff to get a framework of equivalent indicies. 
    diff = this.dmp.diff_main(pattern1, pattern2, false); 
    cursorStartPoint += this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diff, cursor.startPrefix.length); 

    var cursorEndPoint = null; 
    if (!cursor.collapsed) { 
    // Find the end of the selection in the new text. 
    pattern1 = cursor.endPrefix + cursor.endSuffix; 
    cursorEndPoint = this.dmp.match_main(newText, pattern1, 
     cursor.endOffset - padLength); 
    if (cursorEndPoint !== null) { 
     pattern2 = newText.substring(cursorEndPoint, 
            cursorEndPoint + pattern1.length); 
     //alert(pattern1 + '\nvs\n' + pattern2); 
     // Run a diff to get a framework of equivalent indicies. 
     diff = this.dmp.diff_main(pattern1, pattern2, false); 
     cursorEndPoint += this.dmp.diff_xIndex(diff, cursor.endPrefix.length); 

    // Deal with loose ends 
    if (cursorStartPoint === null && cursorEndPoint !== null) { 
    // Lost the start point of the selection, but we have the end point. 
    // Collapse to end point. 
    cursorStartPoint = cursorEndPoint; 
    } else if (cursorStartPoint === null && cursorEndPoint === null) { 
    // Lost both start and end points. 
    // Jump to the offset of start. 
    cursorStartPoint = cursor.startOffset; 
    if (cursorEndPoint === null) { 
    // End not known, collapse to start. 
    cursorEndPoint = cursorStartPoint; 

    // Restore selection. 
    this.element.setSelection(n2linech(this.element, cursorStartPoint), n2linech(this.element, cursorEndPoint)); 

    // Restore scrollbar locations 
    if ('scrollTop' in cursor) { 
    this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollTop = cursor.scrollTop * this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollHeight; 
    this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollLeft = cursor.scrollLeft * this.element.getScrollerElement().scrollWidth; 

* Ensure that all linebreaks are LF 
* @param {string} text Text with unknown line breaks 
* @return {string} Text with normalized linebreaks 
* @private 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.normalizeLinebreaks_ = function(text) { 
    return text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\r/g, '\n'); 

* Handler to accept CodeMirror Objs 
* @param {*} cmObj CodeMirror Object. 
* @return {Object?} A sharing object or null. 
mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj.shareHandler = function(cmObj) { 
    if ('lineCount' in cmObj) { 
    return new mobwrite.shareCodeMirrorObj(cmObj); 
    return null; 

// Register this shareHandler with MobWrite. 

//functions for converting b/n index on the data string & the {line, ch} obj of codeMirror 
function linech2n(ed, linech) { 
    var line = linech.line; 
    var ch = linech.ch; 
    var n = line + ch; //for the \n s & chars in the line 
    for(i=0;i<line;i++) { 
     n += (ed.getLine(i)).length;//for the chars in all preceeding lines 
    return n; 

function n2linech(ed, n) { 
    var line=0, ch=0, index=0; 
    for(i=0;i<ed.lineCount();i++) { 
     len = (ed.getLine(i)).length; 
     if(n < index+len) { 
      line = i; 
      ch = n-index; 
      return {line:line, ch:ch}; 
     len++;//for \n char 
     index += len; 
    return {line:line, ch:ch}; 

您可以看到它在行動上:[CodePad](http://notepyd.appspot.com/?fileID=mobwrite_codemirror.js) – Sathvik


是否有可能添加iOS支持CodePad這個模塊? – Dmitry


@Altaveron,我從來沒有在iOS上測試過,所以我不太確定CodeMirror在那裏的工作情況如何,但是這個擴展應該沒有太大的麻煩。 – Sathvik