# calculate income per month over 36 months
base_monthly_salary = 150000 // 12
semiannual_raise = 0.07
monthly_incomes = [base_monthly_salary * (1. + semiannual_raise) ** (month // 6) for month in range(36)]
target_amount = 1000000. * 0.25
savings_rate = target_amount/sum(monthly_incomes) # 0.4659859
def savings_balance(monthly_incomes, monthly_interest_rate, savings_rate):
total = 0.
for amt in monthly_incomes:
# At the end of each month,
total *= 1. + monthly_interest_rate # we earn interest on what was already saved
total += amt * savings_rate # and add a fixed fraction of our monthly income
return total
savings_balance(monthly_incomes, 0.0, 0.4659859) # 249999.9467
,即找到polynomial - target == 0
的唯一真正的正根。如果interest_rate > 0.
target_amount = 1000000. * 0.25
# Make up a number: annual savings interest = 1.9%
monthly_interest_rate = 0.019/12.
# Our solver expects a single-argument function to solve, so let's make it one:
def fn(x):
return savings_balance(monthly_incomes, monthly_interest_rate, x)
def bisection_search(fn, lo, hi, target, tolerance=0.1):
# This function assumes that fn is monotonically increasing!
# check the end-points - is a solution possible?
fn_lo = fn(lo)
assert not target < -tolerance + fn_lo, "target is unattainably low"
if abs(target - fn_lo) <= tolerance:
return lo
fn_hi = fn(hi)
assert not fn_hi + tolerance < target, "target is unattainably high"
if abs(target - fn_hi) <= tolerance:
return hi
# a solution is possible but not yet found -
# repeat until we find it
while True:
# test the middle of the target range
mid = (lo + hi)/2
fn_mid = fn(mid)
# is this an acceptable solution?
if abs(target - fn_mid) <= tolerance:
return mid
# do we need to look in the lower or upper half?
if target < fn_mid:
# look lower - bring the top down
hi = mid
# look higher - bring the bottom up
lo = mid
# From above, we know that
# when interest = 0.0 we need a savings rate of 46.6%
# If interest > 0. the savings_rate should be smaller,
# because some of target_amount will be covered by generated interest.
# For a small annual_interest_rate over an N year term,
# the effective accrued interest rate will be close to
# N * annual_interest_rate/2 -> 1.5 * 1.9% == 2.85%
# So we expect the required savings rate to be
# about 46.6% * (1. - 0.0285) == 45.3%
bisection_search(fn, 0.40, 0.47, target_amount) # 0.454047973
請使用[mcve]擴展*「not working」*。 – jonrsharpe
如果您將代碼分解爲函數,這可能會更容易。有一個功能,在儲蓄率的情況下,在36個月後返還餘額。有一個函數(給定兩個端點,一個目標值和一個函數)進行二分搜索(或者,牛頓 - 拉夫遜求解器效率更高,因爲輸入函數是平滑的,而不僅僅是單調的)。 –