2013-08-16 60 views


- (void)setIdentity:(GLfloat *)target 
    target[0] = 1; 
    target[1] = 0; 
    target[2] = 0; 
    target[3] = 0; 
    target[4] = 0; 
    target[5] = 1; 
    target[6] = 0; 
    target[7] = 0; 
    target[8] = 0; 
    target[9] = 0; 
    target[10] = 1; 
    target[11] = 0; 
    target[12] = 0; 
    target[13] = 0; 
    target[14] = 0; 
    target[15] = 1; 


[matrix setIdentity:ModelMat]; 
//Log the result 
NSLog(@"ModelMat:\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f", 
     ModelMat[0], ModelMat[1], ModelMat[2], ModelMat[3], ModelMat[4], ModelMat[5], 
     ModelMat[6], ModelMat[7], ModelMat[8], ModelMat[9], ModelMat[10], ModelMat[11], 
     ModelMat[12], ModelMat[13], ModelMat[14], ModelMat[15]); 


  • 編輯



@interface Matrix : NSObject 

- (void)copyMatrix:(GLfloat *)from to:(GLfloat *)to; 
- (void)setIdentity:(GLfloat *)target; 
- (void)multiplyMatrix:(GLfloat *)second by:(GLfloat *)first giving:(GLfloat *)newMatrix; 
- (void)applyTranslation:(GLfloat *)source x:(GLfloat)x y:(GLfloat)y z:(GLfloat)z; 
- (void)applyScale:(GLfloat *)source x:(GLfloat)x y:(GLfloat)y z:(GLfloat)z; 
- (void)applyRotation:(GLfloat *)source pitch:(GLfloat)pitch yaw:(GLfloat)yaw roll:(GLfloat)roll; 
- (void)applyRotationWithMag:(GLfloat *)source angle:(GLfloat)angle magX:(GLfloat)magX magY:(GLfloat)magY magZ:(GLfloat)magZ 
- (void)setProjection:(GLfloat *)source fov:(GLfloat)fov aspect:(GLfloat)aspect near:(GLfloat)near far:(GLfloat)far; 



#import "Matrix.h" 

#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f 

@implementation Matrix 

- (void)copyMatrix:(GLfloat *)from to:(GLfloat *)to 
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) 
     from[i] = to[i]; 

- (void)setIdentity:(GLfloat *)target 
    target[0] = 1; 
    target[1] = 0; 
    target[2] = 0; 
    target[3] = 0; 
    target[4] = 0; 
    target[5] = 1; 
    target[6] = 0; 
    target[7] = 0; 
    target[8] = 0; 
    target[9] = 0; 
    target[10] = 1; 
    target[11] = 0; 
    target[12] = 0; 
    target[13] = 0; 
    target[14] = 0; 
    target[15] = 1; 

- (void)multiplyMatrix:(GLfloat *)second by:(GLfloat *)first giving:(GLfloat *)newMatrix 
    GLfloat tempMatrix[16]; 

    //Column 1 
    tempMatrix[0] = (second[0] * first[0]) + 
          (second[4] * first[1]) + 
          (second[8] * first[2]) + 
          (second[12] * first[3]); 

    tempMatrix[1] = (second[1] * first[0]) + 
          (second[5] * first[1]) + 
          (second[9] * first[2]) + 
          (second[13] * first[3]); 

    tempMatrix[2] = (second[2] * first[0]) + 
          (second[6] * first[1]) + 
          (second[10] * first[2]) + 
          (second[14] * first[3]); 

    tempMatrix[3] = (second[3] * first[0]) + 
          (second[7] * first[1]) + 
          (second[11] * first[2]) + 
          (second[15] * first[3]); 

    //Column 2 
    tempMatrix[4] = (second[0] * first[4]) + 
          (second[4] * first[5]) + 
          (second[8] * first[6]) + 
          (second[12] * first[7]); 

    tempMatrix[5] = (second[1] * first[4]) + 
          (second[5] * first[5]) + 
          (second[9] * first[6]) + 
          (second[13] * first[7]); 

    tempMatrix[6] = (second[2] * first[4]) + 
          (second[6] * first[5]) + 
          (second[10] * first[6]) + 
          (second[14] * first[7]); 

    tempMatrix[7] = (second[3] * first[4]) + 
          (second[7] * first[5]) + 
          (second[11] * first[6]) + 
          (second[15] * first[7]); 

    //Column 3 
    tempMatrix[8] = (second[0] * first[8]) + 
          (second[4] * first[9]) + 
          (second[8] * first[10]) + 
          (second[12] * first[11]); 

    tempMatrix[9] = (second[1] * first[8]) + 
          (second[5] * first[9]) + 
          (second[9] * first[10]) + 
          (second[13] * first[11]); 

    tempMatrix[10] = (second[2] * first[8]) + 
          (second[6] * first[9]) + 
          (second[10] * first[10]) + 
          (second[14] * first[11]); 

    tempMatrix[11] = (second[3] * first[8]) + 
          (second[7] * first[9]) + 
          (second[11] * first[10]) + 
          (second[15] * first[11]); 

    //Column 4 
    tempMatrix[12] = (second[0] * first[12]) + 
          (second[4] * first[13]) + 
          (second[8] * first[14]) + 
          (second[12] * first[15]); 

    tempMatrix[13] = (second[1] * first[12]) + 
          (second[5] * first[13]) + 
          (second[9] * first[14]) + 
          (second[13] * first[15]); 

    tempMatrix[14] = (second[2] * first[12]) + 
          (second[6] * first[13]) + 
          (second[10] * first[14]) + 
          (second[14] * first[15]); 

    tempMatrix[15] = (second[3] * first[12]) + 
          (second[7] * first[13]) + 
          (second[11] * first[14]) + 
          (second[15] * first[15]); 

    [self copyMatrix:tempMatrix to:newMatrix]; 

- (void)applyTranslation:(GLfloat *)source x:(GLfloat)x y:(GLfloat)y z:(GLfloat)z 
    GLfloat tempMatrix[16]; 

    [self setIdentity:tempMatrix]; 

    tempMatrix[12] = x; 
    tempMatrix[13] = y; 
    tempMatrix[14] = z; 

    [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 


- (void)applyScale:(GLfloat *)source x:(GLfloat)x y:(GLfloat)y z:(GLfloat)z 
    GLfloat tempMatrix[16]; 

    [self setIdentity:tempMatrix]; 

    tempMatrix[0] = x; 
    tempMatrix[5] = y; 
    tempMatrix[10] = z; 

    [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 

- (void)applyRotation:(GLfloat *)source pitch:(GLfloat)pitch yaw:(GLfloat)yaw roll:(GLfloat)roll 
    GLfloat tempMatrix[16]; 

    if (pitch != 0) { 
     GLfloat c = cosf(pitch); 
     GLfloat s = sinf(pitch); 

     [self setIdentity:tempMatrix]; 

     tempMatrix[5] = c; 
     tempMatrix[6] = -s; 
     tempMatrix[9] = s; 
     tempMatrix[10] = c; 

     [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 

    if (yaw != 0) { 
     GLfloat c = cosf(yaw); 
     GLfloat s = sinf(yaw); 

     [self setIdentity:tempMatrix]; 

     tempMatrix[0] = c; 
     tempMatrix[2] = s; 
     tempMatrix[8] = -s; 
     tempMatrix[10] = c; 

     [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 

    if (roll != 0) { 
     GLfloat c = cosf(roll); 
     GLfloat s = sinf(roll); 

     [self setIdentity:tempMatrix]; 

     tempMatrix[0] = c; 
     tempMatrix[1] = -s; 
     tempMatrix[4] = s; 
     tempMatrix[5] = c; 

     [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 

- (void)applyRotationWithMag:(GLfloat *)source angle:(GLfloat)angle magX:(GLfloat)magX magY:(GLfloat)magY magZ:(GLfloat)magZ 
    GLfloat tempMatrix[16]; 

    GLfloat sinAngle, cosAngle; 
    GLfloat magnitude; 

    magnitude = sqrtf((magX * magX) + (magY * magY) + (magZ * magZ)); 

    sinAngle = sinf(angle * PI/180.0f); 
    cosAngle = cosf(angle * PI/180.0f); 

    if (magnitude > 0) { 
     GLfloat xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz, xs, ys, zs; 
     GLfloat oneMinusCos; 

     magX /= magnitude; 
     magY /= magnitude; 
     magZ /= magnitude; 

     xx = magX * magX; 
     yy = magY * magY; 
     zz = magZ * magZ; 
     xy = magX * magY; 
     xz = magX * magZ; 
     yz = magY * magZ; 
     xs = magX * sinAngle; 
     ys = magY * sinAngle; 
     zs = magZ * sinAngle; 

     oneMinusCos = 1 - cosAngle; 

     tempMatrix[0] = (oneMinusCos * xx) + cosAngle; 
     tempMatrix[1] = (oneMinusCos * xy) - zs; 
     tempMatrix[2] = (oneMinusCos * xz) + ys; 
     tempMatrix[3] = 0; 

     tempMatrix[4] = (oneMinusCos * xy) + zs; 
     tempMatrix[5] = (oneMinusCos * yy) + cosAngle; 
     tempMatrix[6] = (oneMinusCos * yz) - xs; 
     tempMatrix[7] = 0; 

     tempMatrix[8] = (oneMinusCos * xz) - ys; 
     tempMatrix[9] = (oneMinusCos * yz) + xs; 
     tempMatrix[10] = (oneMinusCos * zz) + cosAngle; 
     tempMatrix[11] = 0; 

     tempMatrix[12] = 0; 
     tempMatrix[13] = 0; 
     tempMatrix[14] = 0; 
     tempMatrix[15] = 1; 

     [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 


- (void)setProjection:(GLfloat *)source fov:(GLfloat)fov aspect:(GLfloat)aspect near:(GLfloat)near far:(GLfloat)far 
    GLfloat tempMatrix[16]; 

    [self setIdentity:tempMatrix]; 

    GLfloat r = fov * M_PI/180.0f; 
    GLfloat f = 1.0f/tanf(r/2.0f); 

    tempMatrix[0] = f; 
    tempMatrix[5] = f/aspect; 
    tempMatrix[10] = -(far + near)/(far - near); 
    tempMatrix[11] = -1; 
    tempMatrix[14] = -(2 * far * near)/(far - near); 
    tempMatrix[15] = 0; 

    [self multiplyMatrix:tempMatrix by:source giving:source]; 



#import "Shader.h" 
#import "Matrix.h" 

@class Texture; 

@interface Scene : NSObject { 

    Texture *texture; 
    GLuint textureName; 

    float animationPhase; 
    BOOL didShowInfo; 
    BOOL wireframe; 

    GLuint vaoID[1]; 
    GLuint vboID[2]; 
    GLuint programHandle; 
    GLuint shaderHandle[2]; 
    GLuint ProjectionMatrixHandle, ViewMatrixHandle, ModelMatrixHandle; 
    GLfloat PerspectiveMat[16], ViewMat[16], ModelMat[16]; 
    GLfloat updateValue; 

    Matrix *matrix; 

    Shader *shader; 

- (id)init; 

- (void)setViewportRect:(NSRect)bounds; 
- (void)render; 

- (void)advanceTimeBy:(float)seconds; 
- (void)setAnimationPhase:(float)newAnimationPhase; 

- (void)toggleWireframe; 



#import "Scene.h" 

static double dtor(double degrees) 
    return degrees * M_PI/180.0; 

@implementation Scene 

- (id) init 
    self = [super init]; 
    if (self) { 
     wireframe = NO; 
     didShowInfo = NO; 




     GLfloat verts[32] = 
      -0.5, -0.5, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 
      -0.5, 0.5, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 
      0.5, 0.5, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 
      0.5, -0.5, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f 

     GLfloat indices[6] = 
      0, 1, 2, 
      0, 2, 3 

     [matrix setIdentity:ModelMat]; 
     [matrix setIdentity:ViewMat]; 

     NSLog(@"ModelMat:\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f", ModelMat[0], ModelMat[1], ModelMat[2], ModelMat[3], ModelMat[4], ModelMat[5], ModelMat[6], ModelMat[7], ModelMat[8], ModelMat[9], ModelMat[10], ModelMat[11], ModelMat[12], ModelMat[13], ModelMat[14], ModelMat[15]); 

     [matrix applyTranslation:ViewMat x:0 y:0 z:-2]; 

     NSLog(@"ViewMat:\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f", ViewMat[0], ViewMat[1], ViewMat[2], ViewMat[3], ViewMat[4], ViewMat[5], ViewMat[6], ViewMat[7], ViewMat[8], ViewMat[9], ViewMat[10], ViewMat[11], ViewMat[12], ViewMat[13], ViewMat[14], ViewMat[15]); 

     programHandle = glCreateProgram(); 

     shaderHandle[0] = [shader compileShader:@"shader.vert" ofType:GL_VERTEX_SHADER]; 
     shaderHandle[1] = [shader compileShader:@"shader.frag" ofType:GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER]; 
     glAttachShader(programHandle, shaderHandle[0]); 
     glAttachShader(programHandle, shaderHandle[1]); 


     ModelMatrixHandle = glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, "ModelMatrix"); 
     ViewMatrixHandle = glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, "ViewMatrix"); 
     ProjectionMatrixHandle = glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, "ProjectionMatrix"); 

     glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoID[0]); 


     glGenBuffers(2, &vboID[0]); 

     glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID[0]); 
     glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(verts), verts, GL_STATIC_DRAW); 

     glVertexAttribPointer((GLuint)0, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(verts[0]), 0); 
     glVertexAttribPointer((GLuint)1, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(verts[0]), (GLvoid*)4); 

     glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboID[1]); 
     glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(indices), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW); 


    return self; 

- (void)dealloc 
    [texture release]; 
    [super dealloc]; 

- (void)advanceTimeBy:(float)seconds 
    float phaseDelta = seconds - floor(seconds); 
    float newAnimationPhase = animationPhase + 0.015625 * phaseDelta; 
    newAnimationPhase = newAnimationPhase - floor(newAnimationPhase); 
    [self setAnimationPhase:newAnimationPhase]; 

- (void)setAnimationPhase:(float)newAnimationPhase 
    animationPhase = newAnimationPhase; 

- (void)toggleWireframe 
    wireframe = !wireframe; 

- (void)setViewportRect:(NSRect)bounds 
    [matrix setIdentity:PerspectiveMat]; 

    glViewport(0, 0, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); 

    [matrix setProjection:PerspectiveMat fov:60 
        near:1.0f far:100.0f]; 

- (void)render 

    updateValue += 0.015; 

    if (updateValue > 1) 
     updateValue = 0; 

    glClearColor(updateValue, 0, 0, 0); 


    glUniformMatrix4fv(ModelMatrixHandle, 1, GL_FALSE, ModelMat); 
    glUniformMatrix4fv(ViewMatrixHandle, 1, GL_FALSE, ViewMat); 
    glUniformMatrix4fv(ProjectionMatrixHandle, 1, GL_FALSE, PerspectiveMat); 

    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (GLvoid*)0); 



是的,我知道有一個更簡單的方法來記錄它,我很急 – SonarSoundProgramming


告訴我們'ModelMat'的聲明。 –


你確定'矩陣'是一個實例嗎?由於您可以在Objective-C中將消息發送到'nil',您的呼叫可能未被執行。 – Macmade



您並未在任何地方創建Matrix的實例。在-[Scene init],你需要添加一行創建Matrix一個實例,像這樣:

    GLfloat indices[6] = 
     0, 1, 2, 
     0, 2, 3 

    // Add the following line 
    matrix = [[Matrix alloc] init]; 

    [matrix setIdentity:ModelMat]; 
    [matrix setIdentity:ViewMat]; 



但現在我遇到了同樣的問題,因爲當我的矩陣功能作爲全局函數。我收到一個鏈接器錯誤,說 「_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ Matrix」,引用來自: – SonarSoundProgramming


Nevermind,我清理了項目,它工作。謝謝您的幫助 – SonarSoundProgramming



讓我澄清一下。 ModelMat被創建在它被調用的文件頭部。它是這樣創建的:GLfloat ModelMat [16];



創建雖然這創建可變matrix,與上述類似,它的類型Matrix *參考類型。創建參考類型的變量而不是也會創建一個對象並將該對象的引用存儲在該變量中。使用matrix之前,你必須創建一個對象,使用如下語句:

matrix = [Matrix new]; 

至於傳遞數組,你可以做到這一點恰好與C - 記住他們是參照到函數/方法通過。 HTH。