這是我的益智遊戲的代碼。我只是使用來自http://www.html5canvastutorials.com/labs/html5-canvas-animals-on-the-beach-game-with-kineticjs/的教程代碼,使用Kinetic JavaScript。我試圖運行代碼,但它不起作用。我用html和javascript檢查錯誤。但是我無法找到我的代碼中存在什麼問題。 請讓我知道是否有人知道錯誤是什麼使它不起作用。使用動力學js的益智遊戲
<body> <div id="container"></div> <script src="http://d3lp1msu2r81bx.cloudfront.net/kjs/js/lib/kinetic-v5.0.1.min.js"></script> <script> function loadImages(sources, callback) { var assetDir = 'http://citmalumnes.upc.es/~laiafv/zz_MASTER/testhard/images/'; var images = {}; var loadedImages = 0; var numImages = 0; for(var src in sources) { numImages++; } for(var src in sources) { images[src] = new Image(); images[src].onload = function() { if(++loadedImages >= numImages) { callback(images); } }; images[src].src = assetDir + sources[src]; } } function isNearOutline(country, outline) { var c = country; var o = outline; var cx = c.getX(); var cy = c.getY(); if(cx > o.x - 30 && cx < o.x + 30 && cy > o.y - 30 && cy < o.y + 30) { return true; } else { return false; } } function drawBackground(background, eumapImg, text) { var context = background.getContext(); context.drawImage(eumapImg, 0, 0); context.setAttr('font', '20pt Arial'); context.setAttr('textAlign', 'center'); context.setAttr('fillStyle', 'black'); context.fillText(text, background.getStage().getWidth()/2, 40); } function initStage(images) { var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({ container: 'container', width: 1024, height: 668, }); var background = new Kinetic.Layer(); var countryLayer = new Kinetic.Layer(); var countryShapes = []; var score = 0; // image positions var countries = { latvia: {x: 621, y: 198}, estonia: {x: 640, y: 167}, czech: {x: 518, y: 344}, netherlands: {x: 407, y: 292}, lithuania: {x: 623, y: 230}, bulgaria: {x: 673, y: 469}, hungary: {x: 577, y: 389}, denmark: {x: 474, y: 216}, austria: {x: 477, y: 388}, portugal: {x: 182, y: 489} }; var outlines = { latvia_black: {x: 621, y: 198}, estonia_black: {x: 640, y: 167}, czech_black: {x: 518, y: 344}, netherlands_black: {x: 407, y: 292}, lithuania_black: {x: 623, y: 230}, bulgaria_black: {x: 673, y: 469}, hungary_black: {x: 577, y: 389}, denmark_black: {x: 474, y: 216}, austria_black: {x: 477, y: 388}, portugal_black: {x: 182, y: 489} }; // create draggable animals for(var key in countries) { // anonymous function to induce scope (function() { var privKey = key; var anim = countries[key]; var country = new Kinetic.Image({ image: images[key], x: anim.x, y: anim.y, draggable: true, brightness: 0, blurRadius: 0 }); country.cache(); country.drawHitFromCache(); country.filters([ Kinetic.Filters.Blur, Kinetic.Filters.Brighten ]); country.on('dragstart', function() { this.moveToTop(); countryLayer.draw(); }); /* * check if animal is in the right spot and * snap into place if it is */ country.on('dragend', function() { var outline = outlines[privKey + '_black']; if(!country.inRightPlace && isNearOutline(country, outline)) { country.setPosition({x:outline.x, y:outline.y}); countryLayer.draw(); country.inRightPlace = true; if(++score >= 4) { var text = 'You win! Enjoy your booty!' drawBackground(background, images.eumap, text); } // disable drag and drop setTimeout(function() { country.setDraggable(false); }, 50); } }); // make animal glow on mouseover country.on('mouseover touchstart', function() { country.blurRadius(1); country.brightness(0.3); countryLayer.draw(); document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); // return animal on mouseout country.on('mouseout touchend', function() { country.blurRadius(0); country.brightness(0); countryLayer.draw(); document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; }); country.on('dragmove', function() { document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); countryLayer.add(country); countryShapes.push(country); })(); } // create animal outlines for(var key in outlines) { // anonymous function to induce scope (function() { var imageObj = images[key]; var out = outlines[key]; var outline = new Kinetic.Image({ image: imageObj, x: out.x, y: out.y }); countryLayer.add(outline); })(); } stage.add(background); stage.add(countryLayer); drawBackground(background, images.eumap, 'Put the countries on the Map!'); } var sources = { eumap: 'eumap.png', latvia: 'latvia.png', latvia_black: 'latvia_shape.png', estonia: 'estonia.png', estonia_black: 'estonia_shape.png', czech:'czechrepublic.png', czech_black:'estonia_shape.png', netherlands:'netherlands.png', netherlands_black:'netherlands_shape.png', lithuania: 'lithuania.png', lithuania_black:'lithuania_shape.png', bulgaria: 'bulgaria.png', bulgaria_black:'bulgaria_shape.png', hungary:'hungary.png', hungary_black:'hungary_shape.png', denmark:'denmark.png', denmark_black:'denmark_shape.png', austria:'austria.png', austria_black:'austria_shape.png', portugal:'portugal.png', portugal_black:'portugal_shape.png' }; loadImages(sources, initStage); </script> </body>