import org.specs2.mutable.{After, Specification}
import org.specs2.specification.Outside
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
"Tests using Outside and After" >> {
"#1 doesn't run the after" in c1() {
(m: String) => {
println("Running test 1.")
"#2 doesn't actually run the test" in new c2() {
(m: String) => {
println("Running test 2.")
"#3 doesn't run the after" in (new t3{}) {
(m: String) => {
println("Running test 3.")
"#4 doesn't actually run the test" in new t4 {
(m: String) => {
println("Running test 4.")
"#5 works, but is it the right way?" in new t5 {
val sessionKey = outside // The test would have to call outside?
println("Running test 5.")
trait common extends Outside[String] with After {
def name: String
def outside = "Used by the real test."
def after = println("After for " + name)
case class c1() extends common { def name = "c1" }
case class c2() extends common { def name = "c2" }
trait t3 extends common { def name = "t3" }
trait t4 extends common { def name = "t4" }
trait t5 extends common { def name = "t5" }
Running test 1.
After for c2
Running test 3.
After for t4
Running test 5.
After for t5
[info] ExampleSpec
[info] Tests using Outside and After
[info] + #1 doesn't run the after
[info] + #2 doesn't actually run the test
[info] + #3 doesn't run the after
[info] + #4 doesn't actually run the test
[info] + #5 works, but is it the right way?
[info] Total for specification ExampleSpec
[info] Finished in 19 ms
[info] 5 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
注:每Eric的評論Question 21154941,我知道測試1和2是不正確的做法。我把它們放在這裏是詳盡無遺的,因爲在其他時候,你可以使用case類來進行上下文/變量隔離。
謝謝,埃裏克。這應該讓我走上正軌。 –