2014-09-26 33 views



class A { 
    public : 
     virtual bool equal(const A & obj) const = 0; 

class AA : public A{ 
     AA (int i) : m_i(i) {} 
     virtual bool equal(const A & obj) const 
      return m_i == dynamic_cast<const AA&>(obj).m_i; 

     int m_i; 

int main() { 
    AA aa1(10), aa2(9); 
    A &a1 = aa1, &a2 = aa2; 


    return 0; 

請注意,引用類型的'dynamic_cast'可能會引發異常。可能會更好地轉換爲指針,如果指針返回NULL,您可能只想返回「false」。 – 2014-09-26 20:53:48


也許使用在成員變量'm_i'的基類中虛擬的getter? – abiessu 2014-09-26 20:53:54


閱讀關於雙派遣和關於它的古典解決方案 - 模式訪問者。 – Ilya 2014-09-26 20:56:55




struct Fruit 
    virtual bool is_equal(Fruit const & f) const = 0; // Compare two fruits 
    // Some dangerous actions: 
    bool operator==Fruit const & f) 
    return is_equal(f); // Dispatch! 

struct Strawberry : public Fruit 
    bool is_equal(Fruit const & f) 
    bool equal = false; 
    // The f could be any fruit, such as tomatoes or pineapples or bananas. 
    // Need to perform a dynamic_cast to verify that the f is a strawberry. 
    Strawberry const & s = dynamic_cast<Strawberry const &>(f); 
    // perform strawberry comparison; 
    return equal; 

struct Banana : public Fruit 
    bool is_equal(Fruit const & f) 
    bool equal = false; 
    // The f could be any fruit, such as tomatoes or pineapples or strawberries. 
    // Need to perform a dynamic_cast to verify that the f is a banana. 
    Banana const & b = dynamic_cast<Banana const &>(f); 
    // perform banana comparison; 
    return equal; 

bool Compare_Fruits(Fruit const * pf1, Fruit const * pf2) 
    if (*pf1 == *pf2) 
    cout << "Fruits are equal\n"; 
    return true; 
    cout << "Fruits are different\n"; 
    return false; 

int main(void) 
    // Fun with fruit. 
    Fruit * p_fruit_1 = new Strawberry; 
    Fruit * p_fruit_2 = new Banana; 
    Fruit * p_fruit_3 = new Strawberry; 

    // Is this valid, comparing two different fruits, when 
    // we just want to compare two strawberries? 
    if (Compare_Fruits(p_fruit_1, p_fruit_3)) // OK, both are strawberries 
    // ... 
    if (Compare_Fruits(p_fruit_1, p_fruit_2)) // Not OK, two different fruits. 
    // ... 
    return 0; 




然後如何如果你有一對只有基類指針或引用的對象,你會知道它們是否相等? – 2014-09-26 21:33:17


如果通過基類指針或引用已知的兩個對象只能使用基類的數據進行比較。只有當兩個對象是同一類的實例時,才能比較內容相等性。同樣,當基類是「Life_Form」,一個實例是樹而另一個實例是蜘蛛時,正在比較什麼?這沒有意義。在我的項目中,Field是一個基類,我有一個'Record',它是'Field'的一個容器。我如何確定我沒有將'Field :: Text'與'Field :: Double'進行比較? – 2014-09-27 00:14:43


在問題中顯示的虛擬比較函數中使用'dynamic_cast',您可以輕鬆地將比較函數放在基類上 - 您無法在其中實現*函數。 – 2014-09-27 00:41:35