sTest :: (MonadState s m, MonadError e m) => m()
sTest = do
s <- get
throwError "abc"
put s
• Could not deduce (MonadError [Char] m)
arising from a use of ‘throwError’
from the context: (MonadState s m, MonadError e m)
bound by the type signature for:
sTest :: (MonadState s m, MonadError e m) => m()
at ...
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: throwError "abc"
In the expression:
do { s <- get;
throwError "abc";
put s }
In an equation for ‘sTest’:
= do { s <- get;
throwError "abc";
put s }
sTest :: (Num e, MonadState s m, MonadError e m) => m()
sTest = do
s <- get
throwError 123
put s
data EvalError = VarNotFound
| PlusParamsMustBeIntVal
| FirstAppParamMustBeFunVal
| OtherError String
deriving (Show)
instance Error EvalError where
strMsg = OtherError
sTest :: (Error e, MonadState s m, MonadError e m) => m()
sTest = do
s <- get
throwError $ OtherError "abc"
put s
• Could not deduce (MonadError EvalError m)
arising from a use of ‘throwError’
from the context: (Error e, MonadState s m, MonadError e m)
bound by the type signature for:
sTest :: (Error e, MonadState s m, MonadError e m) => m()
at ...
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: throwError $ OtherError "abc"
In the expression:
do { s <- get;
throwError $ OtherError "abc";
put s }
In an equation for ‘sTest’:
= do { s <- get;
throwError $ OtherError "abc";
put s }
要拋出'123',你需要'e'爲Num。你需要什麼來拋出''abc''? – amalloy
我有一個'ExceptT String m',即有'String'表示的錯誤,所以我需要拋出'String'。如果我使用如下顯式類型寫下簽名:'ExceptT String(StateT L.ByteString Identity)()',則編譯成功。但我想在這裏有點多態。有可能的? –