> let rec skip = function
| _, yss, [] -> yss
| [_; _; _] as ys, yss, xs -> record ([], ys, yss, xs)
| ys, yss, x::xs when x >= 5 -> skip (x::ys, yss, xs)
| ys, yss, x::xs -> skip ([], yss, xs)
and record = function
| ys', ys, yss, [] -> (ys' @ ys) :: yss
| [_; _], ys, yss, xs -> skip ([], ys :: yss, xs)
| ys', ys, yss, x::xs when x < 3 -> record (x::ys', ys, yss, xs)
| ys', ys, yss, x::xs -> record ([], x::ys' @ ys, yss, xs);;
val skip : int list * int list list * int list -> int list list
val record : int list * int list * int list list * int list -> int list list
> let run xs = skip([], [], xs) |> List.map List.rev |> List.rev;;
val run : int list -> int list list
> run [0;0;0;7;8;0;0;2;5;6;10;11;10;13;5;0;1;0];;
val it : int list list = [[5; 6; 10; 11; 10; 13; 5]]
> type 'a state =
| Skip of 'a list
| Record of 'a list * 'a list;;
type 'a state =
| Skip of 'a list
| Record of 'a list * 'a list
> let rec apply (state, yss) x =
match state, yss with
| Skip([_; _; _] as ys), yss -> apply (Record([], ys), yss) x
| Skip ys, yss when x >= 5 -> Skip(x::ys), yss
| Skip ys, yss -> Skip[], yss
| Record([_; _], ys), yss -> apply (Skip[], ys :: yss) x
| Record(ys', ys), yss when x < 3 -> Record (x::ys', ys), yss
| Record(ys', ys), yss -> Record ([], x::ys' @ ys), yss;;
val apply : int state * int list list -> int -> int state * int list list
> let run xs =
match List.fold apply (Skip [], []) xs with
| Skip _, yss -> yss
| Record(ys', ys), yss -> (ys' @ ys) :: yss
|> List.map List.rev |> List.rev;;
val run : int list -> int list list
> run [0;0;0;7;8;0;0;2;5;6;10;11;10;13;5;0;1;0];;
val it : int list list = [[5; 6; 10; 11; 10; 13; 5]]
我特別想找到一種方法來從更具說明性的可讀描述中分離出單調邏輯。我傾向於使用更自然的語言(如Prolog或F#),或者將難以閱讀的代碼封裝在經過良好測試的模塊中。儘管如此,我還是希望不需要編寫一堆額外的代碼...... – 2010-05-25 01:36:44