2013-04-20 22 views

我有一個isEqualTo函數,它通過使用模板來比較幾種數據類型。當我第一次把所有的東西都放在main.cpp文件中時,一切都很好,但是一旦我將Complex類拆分爲它的頭並且它是cpp文件,我收到一個錯誤消息,提示「類模板」Complex「的參數列表丟失」 。所以我當然檢查我的默認構造函數的類複雜,這裏它是:類模板「Complex」的參數列表丟失


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> objects 
#include "Complex.h" 
using namespace std; 

template <class T>  
class Complex<T> 
bool isEqualTo(T a, T b)   
    cout << a << " is EQUAL to " << b << endl; 
    return true; 
else cout << a << " is NOT EQUAL to " << b << endl; 
return false; 

int main() 
    //Comparing Complex class 
Complex<int> complexA(10, 5), complexB(10, 54), complexC(10, -5), complexD(-10, -5);  //Creating complex class objects 
cout << endl << endl << "******Comparing Complex Objects:****** \n"; 
isEqualTo(complexA, complexA);  //true 
isEqualTo(complexA, complexB);  //false 
isEqualTo(complexC, complexA);  //false 
isEqualTo(complexD, complexD);  //true 

#ifndef COMPLEX_H 
#define COMPLEX_H 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

template <class T> 
class Complex 
    //default constructor for class Complex 
    Complex(int realPart, int imaginaryPart) : real(realPart), imaginary(imaginaryPart) 

    //Overloading equality operator 

    bool operator==(const Complex &right) const  //address of our cosnt right operand will have two parts as a complex data type, a real and imaginary 
     return real == right.real && imaginary==right.imaginary;  //returns true if real is equal to BOTH of its parts right.real and right.imaginary 

    //overloading insertion operator 
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream&, Complex<T>&); 
private: //private data members for class Complex 
    int real;  //private data member real 
    int imaginary; //private data member imaginary 



#include "Complex.h" 
#include <iostream>; 
using namespace std; 

template<class T> 
ostream &operator<<(ostream& os, Complex,T.& obj) 
if(obj.imaginary > 0)//If our imaginary object is greater than 0 
    os << obj.real << " + " << obj.imaginary << "i";   
else if (obj.imaginary == 0) //if our imaginary object is ZERO 
    os << obj.real; //Then our imaginary does not exist so insert only the real part 
else //If no other condition is true then imaginary must be negative so therefor 
    os << obj.real << obj.imaginary << "i";  //insert the real and the imaginary 
return os;  //return the ostream object 


'template {'不是有效的C++代碼。你錯過了你的班級名字。 **請**發佈您的**真實**代碼。 – WhozCraig 2013-04-20 06:21:52


[類模板的參數列表丟失]的可能重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15283195/argument-list-for-class-template-is-missing) – dthorpe 2013-04-20 06:24:16




Complex<int> complexA(10, 5); 

如何重新初始化全局模板變量this辦法 ?我在我的全局範圍內有'Complex complexA',我想在'main()'裏面重新初始化'complexA' – 2018-02-24 13:09:54


取決於你的Complex類的實現。你可能可以做'complexA = Complex(newval_real,newval_img)'。同樣取決於你的Complex類的實現(你的構造函數和賦值運算符重載)。 – stardust 2018-02-27 09:57:43