2014-08-31 56 views

我目前的工作,需要我編譯和executie具有以下參數的程序的任務:速度和動量 - 我不能走的距離

編寫一個程序,執行以下操作:計算速度和一個對象的動量。對於速度的公式爲V = d /噸和動量式爲m =質量*速度。你的程序應該包含兩個功能:路過的值(一個),一個路過的指針(一個)。它還應該有一個for循環和必要的打印語句以表格格式打印結果。 ·按值傳遞函數用於計算對象的速度,其中將兩個參數傳遞給此函數的距離是恆定的,但時間是for循環的值:I = 1:

double Velocity(雙倍距離,int時間); ·通過指針傳遞函數計算物體的動量,其中將兩個參數傳遞給此函數:物體的速度和恆定質量:質量= 100:

double動量(double * Velocity,double *質量);




#include <iostream> 

using std::cout; 
using std::endl; 
using std::cin; 

//Function prototypes (declaring the functions). 
double velocity(double distance, int time); 
double momentum(double *velocity ,double *mass); 

//Main function. 
int main() 
    double PrimaryVelo(0); 
    double TotalMomentum(0); 
    int t(1); 
    for (double d = 1; d <= 10; d++) 
     PrimaryVelo = velocity(d, t); 
    } //End for the primary for loop. 
    system("pause"); //Prevents closing of debug automatically. 
    return 0; 
} //End of the main function. 

//Pass-by-value method for velocity. 
double velocity(double distance, int time) 
    return distance/time; 

//Pass-by-pointers method for momentum. 
double momentum(double &velocity ,double &mass) 
    return (velocity * 205); 

你說:「*它只是不斷去」按任意按鈕繼續...「*」當然,那麼。從'系統(「暫停」);'你的程序編譯就好了,但該消息是它唯一的副作用。剩下的就是一些算術運算結果,你不使用,編譯器將它優化掉。 – jrok 2014-08-31 11:21:36


哪裏代碼應該實際編寫任何輸出? – chris 2014-08-31 11:23:42


+1僅用於標題:) – 2014-08-31 11:26:26



嗯.... 這裏是你的代碼.....

#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

double velocity(double distance, int time); 
double momentum(double velocity ,double mass); 

int main() 
    double Mass=205; 
    double Distance=100; 
    double Velocity; 
    //cout << "Time\t\tVelocity\tMomentum" << endl; //You'll need to reformat this 
    for (int Time = 1 ; Time <= 200 ; Time++) 
     cout << Time << "\t" ; 
     cout << velocity (Distance , Time) << "\t" ; 
     Velocity = velocity (Distance , Time) ; 
     cout << momentum (Velocity , Mass) << endl ; 

    // If you can't use conio.h and getch(); 
    // Use something like this to stop console from closing itself 
    int a; 
    return 0; 
double velocity(double distance, int time) 
    return distance/time; 

double momentum(double velocity ,double mass) 
    return velocity * mass; 


