2012-03-22 23 views

我正在尋找爲我的Facebook集成組件建模數據的最佳方法。爲了這個例子,我們將查看Facebook的相冊。每個用戶都有一個或多個相冊,其中包含一個或多個照片。對於相冊和照片數據定義可以在這裏找到: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/album/http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/如何在PHP中對這些數據建模?

我的主要目標是使用Facebook的圖形API儘可能容易做,我在做的一切,我可以編寫完成兼容特別感興趣。 最初,我的想法是把數據在我自己的類完全相同模型作爲上述文件如定義,專輯:

* @property string $id The album ID 
* @property Profile $from The profile that created this album 
* @property string $name The title of the album 
* @property string $description The description of the album 
* @property string $location The location of the album 
* @property string $link A link to this album on Facebook 
* @property string $cover_photo The album cover photo ID 
* @property string $privacy The privacy settings for the album 
* @property int $count The number of photos in this album 
* @property string $type The type of the album: profile, mobile, wall, normal or album 
* @property string $created_time The time the photo album was initially created (ISO-8601 date-time) 
* @property array $likes The information about user likes 
* @property array $photos The Photos in this album 
* @property array $comments 
class Album extends Graph 
    * The album ID. 
    * @var string 
    protected $id; 
    * The profile that created this album. 
    * @var Profile 
    protected $from; 

    * The title of the album. 
    * @var string 
    protected $name; 
    * The description of the album. 
    * @var string 
    protected $description; 
    * The location of the album. 
    * @var string 
    protected $location; 
    * A link to this album on Facebook. 
    * @var string 
    protected $link; 
    * The album cover photo ID. 
    * Valid URL 
    * @var string 
    protected $cover_photo; 
    * The privacy settings for the album. 
    * @var string 
    protected $privacy; 
    * The number of photos in this album. 
    * @var string 
    protected $count; 
    * The type of the album: profile, mobile, wall, normal or album. 
    * @var string 
    protected $type; 
    * The time the photo album was initially created. 
    * ISO-8601 date-time 
    * @var string 
    protected $created_time; 
    * The last time the photo album was updated. 
    * ISO-8601 date-time 
    * @var string 
    protected $updated_time; 
    * The information about user likes 
    * @var array 
    protected $likes; 
    * The comments posted on this Album 
    * @var array 
    protected $comments; 
    * The Photos in this album 
    * @var array Graph\Album\Photo 
    protected $photos; 

    * Gets a specific album from the graph 
    * @param $id string 
    * @return Album 
    public function getAlbum($id) 
     return $this; 



* @property string $id The album ID 
* @property Profile $from The profile that created this album 
* @property string $name The title of the album 
* @property string $description The description of the album 
* @property string $location The location of the album 
* @property string $link A link to this album on Facebook 
* @property string $cover_photo The album cover photo ID 
* @property string $privacy The privacy settings for the album 
* @property int $count The number of photos in this album 
* @property string $type The type of the album: profile, mobile, wall, normal or album 
* @property string $created_time The time the photo album was initially created (ISO-8601 date-time) 
* @property array $likes The information about user likes 
* @property array $photos The Photos in this album 
* @property array $comments 
class Album extends Graph 
    protected $data; 

    public function __get($name) 
     $method = 'get' . ucfirst($name); 
     if (method_exists($this, $method)) { 
      return $this->{$method}(); 
     if (property_exists($this->data, $name)) { 
      return $this->data->{$name}; 




有什麼問題在這裏結束了@var SomePhotoClassName,到底是什麼? – JJJ 2012-03-22 13:45:50


問題是,我如何使用PHP對這些數據建模。具體來說,我怎樣才能在代碼完成的PHP中建模。 – GeeH 2012-03-22 13:49:14



取決於IDE/PHPDoc的支持 - PHPStorm應該支持@property SomePhotoCLassName [],否則你的陣列迭代
