2016-10-23 34 views


int i; 
int ctr = 0; 
char ans; 
char * movies[9] = {"Amour", "Argo","Beasts of the Southern Wild","Django Unchained","Les Miserables","Life of Pi", "Lincoln","Silver Linings Playbook","Zero Dark Thirty"}; 
int movieratings[9]; 
char *tempmovie ; 
int didSwap, temprating; 

printf("\n\n*** Oscar Season 2012 is here and the nominees are: ***\n\n"); 

for (i=0;i<9;i++)//FOR LOOP TO PRINT OUT VALUES IN movies 
printf(" %s\n",movies[i]); 
printf("Time to rate this year's best picture nominees:"); 

for (i=0; i< 9; i++)//for loop to rate movies 
     printf("\nDid you see %s? (Y/N): ", movies[i]); 
     scanf(" %c", &ans); 

     if ((toupper(ans)) == 'Y') 

      printf("\nWhat was your rating on a scale of 1-10:"); 
      scanf(" %d", &movieratings[i]); 
      ctr++;//counter to recognise how many movies you have seen 

      movieratings[i] = -1; 

// Now sort the movies by rating (the unseen will go 
// to the bottom) 

while(1)//bubble sort to sort movies by rating 
    didSwap = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
     if (movieratings[i] > movieratings[i+1]) 
      tempmovie = movies[i]; 
      temprating = movieratings[i]; 
      movies[i] = movies[i+1]; 
      movieratings[i] = movieratings[i+1]; 
      movies[i+1] = tempmovie; 
      movieratings[i+1] = temprating; 
      didSwap = 1; 
    if (didSwap == 0) 

printf("\n\n** Your Movie Ratings for the 2012 Oscar Contenders **\n"); 

for (i=0; i<ctr; i++) 
    printf("%s rated a %d \n", movies[i], movieratings[i]); 

它代替它做了什麼? –


它不打印任何東西。 –





您以升序排列的movieratings陣列,並從頭開始打印ctr元素,因此它打印與最低等級的電影。 按降序對數組進行排序,即將if (movieratings[i] > movieratings[i+1])更改爲if (movieratings[i] < movieratings[i+1])