我想通過調用我寫的函數來測試一個系統,這個函數是在一個腳本中並且在Erlang shell(在windows上)編譯的。從腳本連接到節點?
我想通過調用我寫的函數來測試一個系統,這個函數是在一個腳本中並且在Erlang shell(在windows上)編譯的。從腳本連接到節點?
$ erl -name zephmatic
([email protected])1> node().
'[email protected]'
如果你已經設置了節點名稱(只是要確定運行!節點()和Erlang:get_cookie()在ERL),我猜這是在你遇到麻煩二郎山實際節點消息語義 - 這是一個可以理解的寬泛的主題和整個Erlang的語言幾乎完全着重於解決正確的消息傳遞原語的難題。規範的OTP參考是Distributed Erlang,但幽默和(在我看來)對該主題的出色介紹是Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good。
-author('Zephyr Pellerin').
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-export([start/0, grab/2, lookup/1, return/1]).
%%% The reason I declare all of these is to make calling
%%% namespaced functions easier, i.e, simply calling start().
%%% rather than gen_server:start_link()
start() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
grab(Which, Element) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {grab, Which, Element}).
lookup(Element) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {lookup, Element}).
return(Element) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {return, Element}).
% The init method is a "callback" (Whatever that designation may imply)
% that occurs when another client connects
init([]) ->
Resource = dict:new(),
{ok, Resource}.
%%% The Generic server specifies that handling calls happens
%%% through handle_call, which would have thought!
%%% If you're not very experienced with Erlang, this below might seem
%%% strange to you -- it's just different ways to handle
%%% input given differing "types" (Not a real thing in Erl).
% This function simply looks to see if an element from
% a "Resource" is in use, if not it tells the other node
% that it is locked, or returns it if not.
handle_call({grab, Which, Element}, _From, Resource) ->
Response = case dict:is_key(Element, Resource) of
true ->
NewResource = Resource,
{locked, Element};
false ->
NewResource = dict:append(Element, Which, Resource),
{reply, Response, NewResource};
% This function checks for the existence of an element
handle_call({lookup, Element}, _From, Resource) ->
Response = case dict:is_key(Element, Resource) of
true ->
{which, lists:nth(1, dict:fetch(Element, Resource))};
false ->
{not_locked, Element}
{reply, Response, Resource};
% This uses scary language to annihilate an element!
handle_call({annihilate, Element}, _From, Resource) ->
NewResource = dict:erase(Element, Resource),
{reply, ok, NewResource};
% These are simply functions that must be defined according to gen_server
% its not so special.
handle_call(_Message, _From, Resource) ->
{reply, error, Resource}.
handle_cast(_Message, Resource) ->
{noreply, Resource}.
handle_info(_Message, Resource) ->
{noreply, Resource}.
% You need to have a method that knows when to fold em' if someone requests termination
terminate(_Reason, _Resource) ->
% While not *strictly* nessasary, this is a cool method that allows you to inject code
code_change(_OldVersion, Resource, _Extra) ->
{ok, Resource}.
要從escript啓動Erlang分佈,你要麼需要通過-name Name
參數作爲一個熱點評論%%! -name Name
在escript,或者您需要手動啓動發行。我爲Erlang Factory 2011寫了一個例子(在這裏談論 - http://www.erlang-factory.com/conference/SFBay2011/speakers/GeoffCant)。
我也有從我在談話中使用的github repo到example code to start erlang distribution in an escript的鏈接。
net_kernel:start([Name, longnames]),
erlang:set_cookie(Name, list_to_atom(Cookie)).
我可能誤解了你的問題 - 我以爲你在談論escript,而不是erlang shell。然而,這個代碼可以工作。 – archaelus 2012-03-13 21:05:02
這裏是呼籲其他節點功能的一個簡單的例子有些類似的問題:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4199823/simple-distributed-erlang。如果您需要更多幫助,請提供您正在嘗試運行的代碼。 – mbesso 2012-03-12 07:09:11