2015-09-11 74 views

我正在爲我的班級做一些工作,我想我可以幫忙,因爲我是一名新手。這是一個取景器的HTML + JavaScript和JSON如何找到js的確切數字?




var globalbusqueda; 

function reemplazar(cadena, busca, reemplaza) { 
    while (cadena.toString().indexOf(busca) != -1) cadena = cadena.toString().replace(busca, reemplaza); 
    return cadena 

function ncaracteres(cadena) { 
    return cadena.length 
window.onload = function() { 
    window.scrollTo(0, 0); 
    var that = null; 
    var jsearch = function() { 
     this.automatically = false; 
     this.items = []; 
     this.itemsFound = []; 
     this.totalPages = 0; 
     this.currentPaginator = 0; 
     this.busy = false; 
     this.latesSearch = null; 
     this.blockScreen = true; 
     this.move = false; 
     this.ismobile = this.detectBrowser(); 
     that = this 
    jsearch.prototype.init = function() { 
     document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) { 
      if (that.blockScreen) e.preventDefault() 
     }, false); 
     if (!this.ismobile) document.documentElement.style.overflow = "scroll"; 

     function getHTTPObject() { 
      if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") return new XMLHttpRequest; 
      try { 
       return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") 
      } catch (e) { 
       try { 
        return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") 
       } catch (e) {} 
      return false 
     var url = null; 
     if (this.automatically) url = "js/databasefolder.js?v=" + (new Date).getTime(); 
     else url = "js/db.JSON?v=" + (new Date).getTime(); 
     this.get("loading").style.display = "block"; 
     var http = getHTTPObject(); 
     http.open("GET", url, false); 
     http.onreadystatechange = function() { 
      if (http.readyState === 4) { 
       that.items = JSON.parse(http.responseText); 
    jsearch.prototype.show = function() { 
     this.get("loading").style.display = "none"; 
     this.get("wrapper").style.display = "block"; 
     this.get("found").style.display = "block"; 
     this.get("paginator").style.display = "block"; 
     setTimeout(function() { 
      that.addClass(that.get("wrapper"), "initWeb"); 
      setTimeout(function() { 
       that.blockScreen = false; 
      }, 1) 
     }, 1) 
    jsearch.prototype.listeners = function() { 
     var element = that.get("searchForm"); 
     if (element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener("submit", submitForm, false); 
     else if (element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent("onsubmit", submitForm, false); 

     function submitForm(eventObject) { 
      if (eventObject.preventDefault) eventObject.preventDefault(); 
      else if (window.event) window.event.returnValue = false; 
      var valueSearch = document.forms.searchForm.search.value; 
      cantidadcaracteres = ncaracteres(valueSearch); 
      if (cantidadcaracteres >= 3) { 
       valueSearch = reemplazar(valueSearch, ".", ""); 

       globalbusqueda = valueSearch; 
       var validateSearch = that.trim(valueSearch); 
       if (!that.busy && (validateSearch !== "" && that.latesSearch !== validateSearch)) { 
        that.busy = true; 
     var arrowPrevious = this.get("arrowPrevious"); 
     arrowPrevious.addEventListener("click", function() { 
      var isDisabled = that.hasClass(this, "disabled"); 
      if (!isDisabled && that.move) { 
       that.move = false; 
       window.scrollTo(0, 0); 
       that.get("section" + that.currentPaginator).style.display = "none"; 
       that.get("section" + that.currentPaginator).style.display = "inline-block"; 
       that.get("currentPages").innerHTML = "Página " + that.currentPaginator + " de " + that.totalPages; 
       if (that.currentPaginator === 1) that.addClass(this, " disabled"); 
       if (that.currentPaginator < that.totalPages) that.removeClass(that.get("arrowNext"), "disabled"); 
       that.move = true 
     var arrowNext = this.get("arrowNext"); 
     arrowNext.addEventListener("click", function() { 
      var isDisabled = that.hasClass(this, "disabled"); 
      if (!isDisabled && that.move) { 
       that.move = false; 
       window.scrollTo(0, 0); 
       that.get("section" + that.currentPaginator).style.display = "none"; 
       that.get("section" + that.currentPaginator).style.display = "inline-block"; 
       that.get("currentPages").innerHTML = "P&aacute;gina " + that.currentPaginator + " de " + that.totalPages; 
       if (that.totalPages == that.currentPaginator) that.addClass(this, " disabled"); 
       if (that.currentPaginator > 1) that.removeClass(that.get("arrowPrevious"), "disabled"); 
       that.move = true 
    jsearch.prototype.find = function() { 
     this.get("loading").style.display = "block"; 
     if (this.ismobile) document.forms.searchForm.search.blur(); 
     this.itemsFound = []; 
     this.removeClass(this.get("paginator"), "initWeb"); 
     this.removeClass(this.get("found"), "initWeb"); 
     this.addClass(this.get("logo"), "closeLogo"); 
     setTimeout(function() { 
      var matchString = globalbusqueda; 
      that.latesSearch = matchString; 
      if (that.items.length > 0) 
       for (var k in that.items) { 
        if (that.items[k].title.toLowerCase().match(matchString.toLowerCase()) || (that.items[k].description.toLowerCase().match(matchString.toLowerCase()) || that.items[k].claves.toLowerCase().match(matchString.toLowerCase()) || that.items[k].original.toLowerCase().match(matchString.toLowerCase()))) that.itemsFound.push(that.items[k]); 
        if (k == that.items.length - 1) { 
         that.get("loading").style.display = "none"; 
       } else { 
        that.busy = false; 
        that.get("loading").style.display = "none"; 
        that.get("found").innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-info">¡No se encontraron resultados!</div>'; 
        that.addClass(that.get("found"), "initWeb") 
     }, 1E3) 
    jsearch.prototype.appendElements = function() { 
     this.get("found").innerHTML = ""; 
     var totalData = this.itemsFound.length; 
     var show = 10; 
     var amountToSee = totalData/show; 
     amountToSee = amountToSee.toString(); 
     amountToSee = amountToSee.split("."); 
     if (amountToSee[1]) { 
      if (amountToSee[0] == 0) this.addClass(this.get("arrowNext"), " disabled"); 
      else this.addClass(this.get("paginator"), "initWeb"); 
      amountToSee = amountToSee[0]; 
      this.totalPages = amountToSee 
     } else if (amountToSee[0] == 0) { 
      this.get("found").innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-info">¡No se encontraron resultados!</div>'; 
      this.addClass(this.get("found"), "initWeb") 
     } else { 
      if (amountToSee[0] == 1) this.removeClass(this.get("arrowNext"), "disabled"); 
      this.totalPages = amountToSee 
     var current = 0; 
     for (var s = 1; s <= amountToSee; s++) { 
      var divFound = this.get("found"); 
      divFound.innerHTML = divFound.innerHTML + '<div id="section' + s + '" class="itemResult"></div>'; 
      for (var i = current * show; i <= show * s - 1; i++) 
       if (that.itemsFound[i]) { 
        var divSection = this.get("section" + s); 
        divSection.innerHTML = divSection.innerHTML + '<div class="itemResultado"><a target="_parent" href=' + that.itemsFound[i].link + ">" + that.itemsFound[i].title + '<div class="linkGreen">' + that.itemsFound[i].link + "</div><div class='linkBlue'>" + that.itemsFound[i].original + "</div></a></div>" + that.itemsFound[i].description + "<br></div></div>" ; 
        if (i == show * s - 1) current++ 
      if (amountToSee == s) { 
       this.get("currentPages").innerHTML = "P&aacute;gina " + that.currentPaginator + " de " + that.totalPages; 
       that.addClass(this.get("found"), "initWeb"); 
       that.addClass(this.get("paginator"), "initWeb"); 
       setTimeout(function() { 
        that.move = true 
       }, 1E3) 
    jsearch.prototype.resetPaginator = function() { 
     this.totalPages = 0; 
     this.currentPaginator = 1; 
     this.get("currentPages").innerHTML = "P&aacute;gina " + this.currentPaginator; 
     this.removeClass(this.get("arrowNext"), "disabled"); 
     var isDisabled = this.hasClass(that.get("arrowPrevious"), "disabled"); 
     if (!isDisabled) that.addClass(this.get("arrowPrevious"), " disabled"); 
     this.busy = false 
    jsearch.prototype.addItem = function (title, link, original, description, claves) { 
      "title": title, 
      "link": link, 
      "original": original, 
      "description": description, 

      "claves": claves 
    jsearch.prototype.hasClass = function (ele, cls) { 
     return ele.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cls + "(\\s|$)")) 

    jsearch.prototype.addClass = function (ele, cls) { 
     if (!this.hasClass(ele, cls)) ele.className += cls 
    jsearch.prototype.removeClass = function (ele, cls) { 
     if (this.hasClass(ele, cls)) { 
      var reg = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cls + "(\\s|$)"); 
      ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, ""); 

    jsearch.prototype.trim = function (string) { 
     return string.replace(/^\s+/g, "").replace(/\s+$/g, "") 


    jsearch.prototype.get = function (obj) { 
     return document.getElementById(obj) 
    jsearch.prototype.detectBrowser = function() { 
     var ismobile = /iphone|ipod|android|blackberry|opera|mini|windows\sce|palm|smartphone|iemobile|msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); 
     return ismobile 
    search = new jsearch; 

請勿使用'.match',請使用'=='。 – Barmar


檢查此問題http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18878143/whole-word-search-in-javascript-using-regex – am5




var matchLower = matchString.toLowerCase(); 
if (that.items[k].title.toLowerCase().match == matchLower || (that.items[k].description.toLowerCase() == matchLower || that.items[k].claves.toLowerCase() == matchLower || that.items[k].original.toLowerCase() == matchLower) 