2015-02-12 498 views



var i=8; 
function AddDiv() { 
    var obj = new Date(); 
    var Div = $('<div/>', { 
     'class':'box ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle ui-droppable', 
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint($(Div), targetEndpoint); 
     drag: function(){ 
      jsPlumb.repaint($(this)); // (or) jsPlumb.repaintEverything(); to repaint the connections and endpoints 
     //  jsPlumb.addEndpoint($(this));  
    $(Div).addClass('box ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle ui-droppable'); 
var a = $("#a"); 

//Setting up drop options 
var targetDropOptions = { 
    activeClass: 'dragActive' 
//Setting up a Target endPoint 
var targetColor = "#BEBEBE"; 
var targetEndpoint = { 
    anchor: "BottomCenter", //Placement of Dot 
    endpoint: ["Dot", { radius: 8}], //Other types are rectangle, Image, Blank, Triangle 
    paintStyle: { fillStyle: targetColor }, //Line color 
    isSource: true, //Starting point of the connector 
    // scope: "green dot", 
    connectorStyle: { strokeStyle: "#5C96BC", lineWidth: 2 }, // Means Bridge width and bridge color 
    connector: ["Bezier"], //Other properties Bezier 
    maxConnections: -1, //No upper limit 
    isTarget: true, //Means same color is allowed to accept the connection 
    dropOptions: targetDropOptions //Means when the drag is started, other terminals will start to highlight 
jsPlumb.bind("ready", function() { 
    //Set up endpoints on the divs 
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint($(".box ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle ui-droppable"), targetEndpoint); 
    jsPlumb.addEndpoint($(".box ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle ui-droppable"), sourceEndpoint); 

    jsPlumb.draggable($(".box ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle ui-droppable")); 
    jsPlumb.animate($("#a"), { "left": 50, "top": 100 }, { duration: "slow" }); 


我在這裏的問題是:按鈕點擊我可以添加一個新的框,也能夠從該框中拖動連接。但是當我試圖拖動那個盒子(即改變它的位置)時,連接不會移動。 Box已移動,但我無法移動與框的連接。


第1張圖片顯示了新添加的框和新連接的顯示方式。第二張圖片顯示了盒子的移動如何產生問題。 Image 1

Image 2


你可以創建一個小提琴來玩。 – 2015-02-13 04:01:28


jsplumb還存在嗎?該網站似乎下降 – swinefeaster 2016-07-13 23:59:14


看起來像網址更改爲[jsplumb](https://jsplumbtoolkit.com/) – Arti 2016-07-14 05:39:01




<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 
    <title> - jsFiddle demo</title> 

    <script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery-1.10.1.js'></script> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/demo-all.css"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/demo.css"> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src="js/jquery.ui.touch-punch-0.2.2.min.js"></script> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src="js/jquery-ui-1.9.2.min.js"></script> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src="js/jquery.jsPlumb-1.7.2-min.js"></script> 
    <style type='text/css'> 
    .hidden { display: none; } 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
function cloneWindow(instance) { 
    var $jspContainer = $("#statemachine-demo"), 
     divid = "fromTemplate_" + new Date().getTime().toString()   
     $cloneElement = $("<div class='w'>New Window&nbsp;<div class='ep'></div></div>").attr("id", divid); 


    instance.makeSource($cloneElement, { 
       filter: ".ep", // only supported by jquery 
       anchor: "Continuous", 
       connector: ["StateMachine", { 
        curviness: 1 
       connectorStyle: { 
        strokeStyle: "#5c96bc", 
        lineWidth: 2, 
        outlineColor: "transparent", 
        outlineWidth: 4 
       maxConnections: 10, 
       onMaxConnections: function (info, e) { 
        alert("Maximum connections (" + info.maxConnections + ") reached"); 

    instance.bind("connection", function (info) { 

    instance.makeTarget($cloneElement, { 
     dropOptions:{ hoverClass:"dragHover" } 


jsPlumb.ready(function() { 

     $("#addwindow").click(function() { 
     // setup some defaults for jsPlumb. 
     var instance = jsPlumb.getInstance({ 
      Endpoint: ["Dot", { 
       radius: 2 
      HoverPaintStyle: { 
       strokeStyle: "#1e8151", 
       lineWidth: 2 
      ConnectionOverlays: [ 
       ["Arrow", { 
        location: 1, 
        id: "arrow", 
        length: 14, 
        foldback: 0.8 
       ["Label", { 
        label: "Drag this and drop it on another element to make a connection.", 
        id: "label", 
        cssClass: "aLabel" 
      Container: "statemachine-demo" 

       filter: ".ep", 
       anchor: "Continuous", 
       connector: ["StateMachine", { 
        curviness: 1 
       connectorStyle: { 
        strokeStyle: "#5c96bc", 
        lineWidth: 2, 
        outlineColor: "transparent", 
        outlineWidth: 4 
       maxConnections: 10, 
       dropOptions: { 
        hoverClass: "dragHover" 

     var windows = jsPlumb.getSelector(".statemachine-demo .w"); 

     // initialise draggable elements. 

     // bind a click listener to each connection; the connection is deleted. you could of course 
     // just do this: jsPlumb.bind("click", jsPlumb.detach), but I wanted to make it clear what was 
     // happening. 
     instance.bind("click", function (c) { 

     // bind a connection listener. note that the parameter passed to this function contains more than 
     // just the new connection - see the documentation for a full list of what is included in 'info'. 
     // this listener sets the connection's internal 
     // id as the label overlay's text. 
     instance.bind("connection", function (info) { 

     // suspend drawing and initialise. 
     instance.doWhileSuspended(function() { 

      // make each ".ep" div a source and give it some parameters to work with. here we tell it 
      // to use a Continuous anchor and the StateMachine connectors, and also we give it the 
      // connector's paint style. note that in this demo the strokeStyle is dynamically generated, 
      // which prevents us from just setting a jsPlumb.Defaults.PaintStyle. but that is what i 
      // would recommend you do. Note also here that we use the 'filter' option to tell jsPlumb 
      // which parts of the element should actually respond to a drag start. 
      instance.makeSource(windows, { 
       filter: ".ep", // only supported by jquery 
       anchor: "Continuous", 
       connector: ["StateMachine", { 
        curviness: 1 
       connectorStyle: { 
        strokeStyle: "#5c96bc", 
        lineWidth: 2, 
        outlineColor: "transparent", 
        outlineWidth: 4 
       maxConnections: 10, 
       onMaxConnections: function (info, e) { 
        alert("Maximum connections (" + info.maxConnections + ") reached"); 

      // initialise all '.w' elements as connection targets. 
      instance.makeTarget(windows, { 
       dropOptions: { 
        hoverClass: "dragHover" 
       anchor: "Continuous" 

      // and finally, make a couple of connections 
       source: "opened", 
       target: "phone1" 
       source: "phone1", 
       target: "inperson" 
       source: "phone1", 
       target: "phone1" 




    <div class="demo statemachine-demo" id="statemachine-demo" style="border:2px solid;border-radius:25px;"> 
    <button type="button" id="addwindow">Add Window</button> 
    <div class="w" id="opened">BEGIN&nbsp; 
     <div class="ep"></div> 
    <div class="w" id="phone1">PHONE INTERVIEW 1&nbsp; 
     <div class="ep"></div> 
    <div class="w" id="phone2">PHONE INTERVIEW 2&nbsp; 
     <div class="ep"></div> 
    <div class="w" id="inperson">IN PERSON&nbsp; 
     <div class="ep"></div> 
    <div class="w" id="rejected">REJECTED&nbsp; 
     <div class="ep"></div> 
    <div class="w hidden" id="template_newwindow"> 
     <div class="ep"></div> 



     drag: function(){ 

